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approval , i f both sides of the driveway are 1 andscaped <br />i n accordance wi th a 1 andscape plan . } <br />6, A maximum of four rear lots or parcels may be <br />assigned to a s i ngl a panhandle. <br />1. Automobi 1 e access from public streets to rear 1 ots <br />or parcels may be obtained i n one of three ways <br />a. Vi a a panhand1 a driveway, <br />b. Via an abutting property's driveway, <br />c. Via an existing alley. <br />8. Driveways which may or may not be the panhandles <br />and parking areas shat 1 be constructed of at 1 east four inch <br />thick Portland Cement concrete, or 2-I/~ inch compacted <br />asphaltic concrete mix on six inches of 3/4 minus compacted <br />crushed rock base, or an approved equal. <br />9. Base placement of driveways and parking areas shat l <br />be approved by the city prior to final surfacing. <br />10. If an abutting property's access drive i s used: <br />a. An access easement-maintenance agreement i s re- <br />quired. It shall be recorded in the lane County office <br />of Deeds and Records, and <br />b. There shall be adequate room elsewhere on the <br />abutting property to meet off-street parking require- <br />ments for that property, <br />11. When the panhandle i s used for access and the abut- <br />ting property owner requests a visual buffer at the time of <br />1 and division review, that buffer shal i consist of the <br />f o 11 ow i ng.: <br />a. A minimum five foot high site-obscuring fence <br />or wall, or <br />b. landscaping that will be five feet high and <br />159Q site-obscuring within five years. <br />12 . I f acces s i s provided via an existing unimproved <br />al l ey, a peti ti on for improvement i s required. The alley must <br />be able to provide automobi 1 e and emergency vehicle access to <br />a publ i c street . <br />13. Whether or not the panhandle i s used for access, i t <br />shall remain free of structures and be avai 1 ab1 a for possi bl e <br />future access to a public street. <br />14. Each rear 1 of or parcel shall have four parking <br />spaces only two may be enclosed with sufficient turn-around <br />area to eliminate the necessity for a vehicle to back out <br />onto the street. The four spaces shall not be located in the <br />panhandle portion of driveways. <br />15. The building official shall not issue a certificate <br />of occupancy until the project is completed in accordance <br />with appraval conditions and the Eugene Code, I971. It may <br />be issued prior to completion i f Buff i ci ent funds to complete <br />the project are placed ~n escrow with a bank, savings and <br />1 oan assaci ati on, or escrow company. <br />~h} Sui tabi 1 i ty, „for Intended Use, All 1 ots and parcels shal 1 <br />be su i tabl a ~f or the purpose for which they are intended to be used . <br />No 1 of or parcel shall be of such size or design as to be detri men- <br />tal to the health, safety or sanitary needs of the residents of <br />ordinance - ~7 <br />