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hearing, notice prominently describing and depicting the proposed amendment <br />and stating the time and place of the public hearing shat 1 be published i n <br />a newspaper of general circulation within the city. <br />~4} The notice of public hearing for quasi - judi ci a1 refinement <br />plan amendments shall comply with the requirements of section 2.394 and <br />2.391 of this code. <br />9.144 Refinement Plan - Investi ati an and Re ort. The planning staff <br />shat 1 investigate the facts pertaining to the refinement plan <br />amendment, prepare a report, and submit i t to the planning commi ssi an for <br />consideration no later than seven days prior to the public hearing. Copies <br />of the report shat 1 be avai 1 abl a for interested persons at least seven days <br />before the hearing and at the public hearing, i n accordance with section <br />2.391 of this code. <br />9.145 Refinement Plan -Public Hearin . <br />~ 1 } Unless the app1 i cant agrees to a 1 onger time frame, within fi0 <br />days of receipt of a compl ete and accurate application, the planning commi s- <br />sion shall hold a publ is hearing to consider the proposed amendment, <br />~2} The planning commission shall review the proposed amendment <br />and receive evidence, and decide whether the proposed change is consistent <br />with the following approval criteria: <br />~a} The plan amendment i s consistent with the Metrapol i tan <br />Area General Plan; <br />fib} The plan amendment is consistent with remaining portions <br />Qf the refinement plan ; and <br />~c} The plan amendment i s found to address one or more of <br />the following: <br />1. An error i n the publication of the plan; <br />2. A change of circumstances i n a substanti a1 manner <br />not anticipated i n the plan; <br />3. Incorporation into the plan of new inventory mater- <br />i al which relates to a statewi de goal ; or <br />4. A change i n public pal i cy. <br />~3} The procedures for conduct of the public hearing for quasi - <br />judici a1 refinement plan amendments shall conform to the requirements of <br />sections 2.390 and 2.392 to 2.400 of this code . <br />9.146 Refinement Plan -Planning Commission Recommendation. <br />~ 1 } Unl ess a postpon~ement~~ ~~~~~s~W-agreed to by the applicant, wi thi n <br />3o days fol 1 owi ng the close of the pub1 i c hearing and the record, the p1 an- <br />ni ng commission shall recommend to the city counci 1 approval , or approval <br />with modification, or shat 1 deny the plan amendment, with written findings <br />and conclusions based on the approval criteria i n subsection 9.145 ~ 2 } . <br />~2} Within five days after the planning commission decision, the <br />city shat] mail a notice of the decision to the applicant, affected neighbor- <br />hood group ~ s } , and persons who have requested notification . <br />~3} Un1 ess appealed, the planning commission's decision to deny <br />an amendment i s final on the eleventh day after notice of the decision i s <br />mailed. <br />Ordinance - 32 <br />