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Section 25. Section 9.100 of the Eugene Code, 1911, i s repealed . <br />Section 26, Subsections ~3} and ~4} of Section 9.122 of the Eugene <br />Code, 1911, are amended to provide ; <br />9.122 Metro Plan - Prel imi nor Review of Pri vatel -Initiated Amendment. <br />~3} Classification of Plan amendment. Within five days after the <br />f i 1 i ng , of a compl ete application for a Metrapol i tan P1 an amendment, the plan - <br />n ~ ng d ~ rector shall determi ne ~ f the requested amendment i s a ma jor plan <br />amendment, a mi nor plan amendment or a pl an update amendment and i f the re- <br />quested amendment i s quasi -judicial or 1 egi sl ati ve i n nature. The determi na- <br />ti on of the planning director shal 1 be i n writing and shall be mailed to the <br />apps i cant within five days of the decision . Unless appealed, the decision <br />i s final on the 11th day after notice of the deci s i an i s mai 1 ed. <br />~4} A eal of classification determination. An applicant may <br />appeal a classification decision of the planning director by filing a com- <br />pl eted appeal form with the city within ten days of the date the notice of <br />the decision i s mai 1 ed. The appeal shall be heard by the Metropolitan Policy <br />Committee within 20 days of the time the appeal i s f i 1 ed . The Metropolitan <br />Policy Committee shat l allow the applicant and the planning director the <br />opportunity to present oral and written arguments on the appeal . The com- <br />mi ttee shat 1 render a deci si on on the appeal within 30 days of the time the <br />appeal i s filed. The decision of the committee i s final . <br />Section 21. Sections 9.143, 9.144, 9.145, 9.146, 9.147, 9.148, 9.150, <br />9.154, 9.156, 9.158, 9.160, 9.162, and 9.164 of the Eugene Code, 1971, are <br />amended to provide: <br />9.143 Refinement Plan -Notice of Hearing on Initiated Amendments. <br />. ~ 1 } . At 1 east , 20 days before the planning commission public hear- <br />~ ng on an ~ n~ t~ ated ref ~ nement plan amendment, notice of the request and the <br />date of the public hearing shall be mai 1 ed to: <br />~ a} The applicant . <br />~ b} Affected neighborhood group ~ s } and any affected city <br />boards and commissions, <br />~c} Owners and occupants of properties that are the subject <br />of a proposed amendment to a land Use Diagram, and to owners and <br />occupants of property located within 400 feet of the perimeter of <br />the subject property, <br />~d } The Lane County and City of Springfield planning <br />directors . - <br />. ~2} At least ten,days prior tv the planning commission public <br />hears ng, at 1 east three not ~ ces of the nature of any proposed amendments to <br />a land Use Diagram shall be posted within 400 feet of the subject property. <br />~3} At least ten days prior to the planning commission public <br />Ordinance - 31 <br />