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Section 32. Subsections (10), (14)(a), and (19)(a) of Section 9.386 <br />of the Eugene Code, 1911, are amended to provide: <br />9.386 S ecial Standards For Certain Uses In Residential Districts. <br />~ 10} Da Care Facilities: Day care faci 1 i ti es established after <br />September 21, 1983 must conform to the following standards: <br />~a} Unless modified through the conditional use permit pro- <br />cedure, one parking p1 ace per outside employee i s required i n <br />addition to normally required parking for other uses on the prop- <br />erty. <br />~ b} Unless modified through the candi ti oval use permit pro- <br />cedure, there must be at 1 east 400 feet between day care faci l i - <br />t i es of thirteen or more persons . <br />~ c } Education programs offered as a pri mary activity or <br />specialized training i n activities such as dance, drama, music or <br />ref igi on must be 1 imi ted to preschool chi 1 dren. <br />~d} Providers of day care service to three through twelve <br />persons in RA, R-1 and R-2 districts must reside in the facility. <br />~ 14} D- upl axes: When they are located i n RA or R-1 districts, <br />duplexes must conform to one of the following standards: <br />~a} On corner lots abutting public streets as prOVided for <br />in section 9.060. <br />X19} Single Family Accessory Units': <br />~a} The^struct~ure containing the accessory and main dwell - <br />i ng unit must share a common roof and foundation and must be <br />detached from other dwell ings. <br />Section 33. Subsection ~d} of Section 9.402 of the Eugene Code, 1971 <br />i s amended to provide <br />9.402 Permitted Bui 1 di nos and Uses. In the Pl Public Land District, the <br />following bui 1 di ngs and uses are permitted subject to the general <br />pray i s i on s and exceptions beginning with and fallowing section 9.532 : <br />~d} The fol 1 owl ng uses when l orated on all or part Of publ i c <br />property that the governing body declares i s not currently needed for <br />its original purpose. Such uses shall conform to applicable <br />performance standards in sections 9.636 to 9.662. Traffic and <br />parking impacts and the capacity of adjacent streets shall be <br />considered i n the design and 1 ocat i on of internal circulation and <br />parking areas, including entrances and exits. If pons i b1 e, school <br />playgrounds shall be retained for public use.. <br />The process used by the governing body to determine whether a <br />particular temporary use shall be permitted on property not currently <br />needed for its original public use shall assure that neighborhood <br />Ordinance - 31 <br />