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~d} Parking and driveways : ~Al sa see sections 9.580 to <br />9.598}. <br />3. In any commercial or industrial district, except C-1 <br />and I -1, parking spaces shat 1 be permitted i n any required <br />interior yard i f requi red 1 andscape prvv i s i ons of section <br />9.542 fib} and ~c} are met. In the C-1, C-4, and GO districts, <br />parking i s not permitted i n the requi red front yard. In the <br />I -1 district, parking spaces may be 1 ocated i n requi red front <br />yards i f more than 20 feet from al 1 abutting streets. <br />Section 43. Section 9.512 of the Eugene Code, 1911, is amended to pro- <br />vide: <br />9.512 General Plan of Streets and Hi hwa s. The city's street designa- <br />tions are shown upon a map and are made a part of this ordinance. <br />The original map, including any changes or amendments thereto, shal 1 be kept <br />on file i n the department of public works . <br />Section 44. Subsections (6)(d)3. and (6)(d)4. of Section 9.576 of the <br />Eugene Code, 1911, are amended to provide: <br />9.51fi General Provisions -Solar Access Guarantee. <br />~fi} Procedure. <br />~d} Meetin Procedure. <br />3. Decision. Unless the parties agree to a longer per- <br />iod, within ten days of the meeting the city manager shall <br />state his or her findings and conclusions and approve, approve <br />with conditions, and issue the Svl ar Access Guarantee or deny <br />the application. Within five days of the decision, the man- <br />ager shat 1 mai 1 a noti ce of the decision on the application <br />to al 1 interested parties and persons who have requested a <br />copy of the decision. Unless appealed, the decision i s effec- <br />ti ve on the 11th day after notice of the decision i s mai 1 ed. <br />4. Appeal to Heard ngs Off i c,er. <br />a. The decision of the c~ ty manager may be appealed <br />to the hearings official within ten days of the date <br />notice of the decision i s mai 1 ed. An appeal may be taken <br />by the applicant or an affected party. Notice of the <br />appeal shal 1 be sent by the city manager to all interested <br />persons. Appeals shat 1 state haw the city manager fai 1 ed <br />to properly evaluate the proposed Solar Access Guarantee <br />or make a decision consistent with applicable criteria. <br />b. Unless the applicant and appel 1 ant agree to a <br />1 onger period, an appeal shat 1 be considered at a heari ng <br />at which an opportunity i s given for oral arguments on the <br />appeal within 45 days of its receipt. At 1 east ten days <br />Ordinance - 41 <br />