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prior to the hearing, the city manager shall mail notice <br />thereof to the applicant, appellant, affected parties, <br />and persons who requested a copy of the city manager's <br />decision . <br />c. Within 15 days of the hearing, unless the appli- <br />cant and appellant agree to a l onger period, the hear- <br />ings official shall render a decision and within five <br />days of the decision, notice thereof shat 1 be mailed to <br />the applicant, appellant, and parties who have requested <br />a copy. The hearings official's decision i s final . <br />Section 45. Subsectian ~4} of Section 9.584 of the Eugene Cade, 1911, <br />i s amended to provide <br />9.584 Parkin Area Desi n. <br />~4} When three or more parking spaces are required an a level op- <br />ment site, except those i n conjunction with single f ami 1 y or two f ami 1 y <br />dwellings an a si ngl e 1 ot, they all shall be served by a servi ce drive so <br />that no backward movement or other maneuvering of a veh i cl a wi th i n a street, <br />other than an al 1 ey, wi 11 be required, Service drives shall be designed and <br />constructed to facilitate the flow of traffic, provide maximum safety for <br />traffic ingress and egress, and maximum safety of pedestrian and veh i cu1 ar <br />traffic on the site. In no case shall two-way and one-way driveways be less <br />than 20 feet wide and 12 feet wide respectively. <br />Section 46. Subsectian ~c}~, of Section 9.586 of the Eugene Code, 1911, <br />is amended to provide: <br />9, 586 Par ~ n S a ,_,, <br />___ ' g , p , ,ces Re ui red. Unless specifically prescribed otherwise <br />elsewhere inthis code, the number of off-street parking spaces <br />required shal 1 be no 1 ess than as set forth i n the fol 1 owi ng: <br />Use <br />~c} Commercial Types, except as <br />otherwise specified in <br />subsection 9.586~e} <br />2. Barber and beauty shops <br />Parkin S ace Re u i red <br />1 for each 300 square feet of <br />gross fl aor area. <br />Section 47, Section 9.588 of the Eugene Code, 1911, is amended to pro- <br />vide: <br />9.588 Parking. Requirements for,.,, Uses not__ Speci fi ed . The parking space <br />requirements for bui 1 di ngs and uses not set forth herein shat 1 be <br />Ordinance - 48 <br />