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9,fi12 A 1ication Fee and Public Hearin Notice. <br />43} At 1 east 20 days before the hearing, the city shat 1 mail a <br />notice thereof and information on the nature of the request to the applicant, <br />owners and occupants of the subject property, and to owners and occupants of <br />property 1 orated within 300 feet of the perimeter of the subject property. <br />If the requested change in zoning district is from AG, RA, R-1, R-2 and R-3 <br />to R-4 di stri ct, a res i dent i al zoning district to an office, commercial or <br />industrial district, or from PL Public Eand district to any other zoning di s- <br />trict, the notice required herein shall be expanded to include owners and <br />occupants of property 1 orated within 500 feet of the perimeter of the sub- <br />ject property. At least ten days prior tv the hearing, the city shall also <br />post notices of the nature of the request and the hearing i n at 1 east three <br />places within 300 feet of the perimeter of the subject property. <br />Section 55. Section 9.616 of the Eugene Code, 1911 is amended to pro- <br />vide: <br />9.616 Investigation and Report,. The city sha11 i nves~ <br />bearing upon an application, prepare a report, <br />the commission yr hearings official for consideration at <br />prior to the public hearing. A copy of the report shall <br />Bred to the applicant at the time it is delivered to the <br />ings official. <br />tigate the facts <br />and submit i t to <br />1 east seven days <br />be mailed or de1iv- <br />commissian or hear- <br />Section 56 . Subsection ~ 1 } of Section 9.618 of the Eugene Code, 1911, <br />i s amended to provide <br />9,618 Public Hearin <br />~ 1 } Unless the applicant agrees to a 1 onger time period, wi th i n <br />60 days of receipt of a compl ete and accurate application, the commission or <br />hearings official shall hold a public hearing to consider the proposed change <br />i n zoning district boundaries . <br />Section 51. Section 9 . fi80 of the Eugene Code, 1911, i s amended to pro - <br />vide: <br />9.680 Decision. <br />~ 1 } Within 15 days fol 1 owi ng the close of the public hearing and <br />the record, unl ess a postponement i s agreed to by the applicant, the commi s- <br />sion or hearings official shall approve, modify and approve, or deny the <br />application by order, with written findings and conclusions therein, based <br />on required approval criteria, The commission or hearings official may re- <br />view proposals for the use of the property for which a change in the district <br />boundaries i s proposed. The commission or hearings official may also require <br />Ordinance - 51 <br />