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9.608 General Provisions -Historic Landmarks. Special provisions for <br />modification of zoning regulations far buildings, structures, other <br />physical objects, or geographic areas designated as historic 1 andmarks by the <br />city are contained i n section 2.401. Code regulations pertaining to number <br />of parking spaces provided, signs, fence and wall provisions, yards, area, <br />lot width, frontage, depth, and coverage may be modified by the board or <br />counci 1 using the procedures and based on criteria specified i n section <br />2.401 of this code. <br />Section 52. Subsection ~e}1. of Section 9.644 of the Eugene Code, 1971, <br />i s amended to provide <br />9.644 Noise. In addition to applicable provisions in Chapter 4 of thi n <br />code, maximum sound emissions shall not exceed equivalent sound <br />pressure 1 evel s i n decibels, A-Weighted Scale, for any one hour as stipulated <br />i n the table i n this section. These maxi mums are applicable beyond any prop- <br />erty lines of the property containing the noise. Equivalent sound pressure <br />1 evel ~Leq} i s a measure of the sound 1 evel for any one hour. It i s the <br />energy average of all the various sounds emitted from the source during the <br />hour. A-Weighted Scale is used to adjust sound measurements to simulate the <br />sensitivity of the human ear. <br />fie} Exem ti ons. Local noise standards set forth i n thi s <br />section do not apply to the fo11 owi ng situations <br />1. lawn and plant care machinery fitted with correctl y <br />functioning sound suppression equipment and operated between <br />1 a.m. and 9 p.m. <br />Section 53. Section 9.668 of the Eugene Code, 1911, is amended to pra- <br />vide: <br />9.668 Pur ose. As the Metropolitian Area General Plan is implemented <br />over the years, there wi l 1 be a need for changes i n zoning district <br />boundaries. As that plan is reviewed and periodically revised, other district <br />boundary changes may be warranted. These boundary changes shall be made i n <br />accordance with the following procedures and the quasi -judicial hearing pro- <br />cedures provided i n sections 2.390 to 2.400 of this code . I f the zone change <br />i s to be considered i n conjunction with an annexation, the annexation proce- <br />dures set forth i n this code shall also apply. If the zone change i s to be <br />considered i n~ conjunction with an amendment to the Metropolitan Area General <br />Plan or a ref i nement plan, the applicable plan amendment procedures set forth <br />in this code shall apply. <br />Section 54. Subsection ~3} of Section 9,612 of the Eugene Gvde, 1971, <br />i s amended to pray i de <br />ordinance - 50 <br />