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appeal decision shal 1 be mai 1 ed to the applicant, appe1l ant, and persons <br />who have requested it. <br />Section 60. Section 9.690 of the Eugene Code, 1911, is amended to pro- <br />vide: <br />9.690 Site Plan Review Procedure. <br />~l} Pre-a 1 ication conference. Prior to submission of a request <br />for planning director site plan approval, the applicant shall confer with <br />the planning staf f to ascertain application requirements . <br />~2} Application submittal and notice. An application and related <br />i nformati an shat 1 be submitted by the applicant, i n the manner prescribed by <br />the city, together wi th a fee established by the city manager as provided by <br />section 2.024 of this code. Within ten days of receipt of a compl ete and <br />accurate application but no 1 ess than ten days before the planning director <br />makes a deci s i on, the city shal 1 mai 1 notice of the request to owners and <br />occupants of property located within loo feet of the subject property. <br />~3} Professional services. Prior to making a decision, the plan- <br />ning director may require an applicant to employ a licensed architect, land- <br />scape architect, engineer or other specialist i f one or more of those profes- <br />sional services is required for compliance with section 9.688 criteria. <br />~ 4 } Planning director decision . <br />~a}}~ Unless the applicant agrees to a longer time period, the <br />planning director shat 1 approve, conditionally approve, or deny <br />the site plan within 3o days of receipt of a compl ete and accurate <br />application. Approval shall be based on section 9.688 criteria, <br />and particularly when applicable, those criteria addressed at the <br />time of site review subdistrict rezoning. <br />~ b} Within five days of the decision, the planning director <br />shall mai 1 notice of the decision and of the opportunity to appeal <br />to the applicant, persons who have requested notification, and <br />persons anti t1 ed to notice under subsection ~2} of this section. <br />~c} If the request requires re-examination of existing <br />standards or pot i ci es, the planning director may refer the matter <br />to the planning commission for a decision. <br />~d} Unless appeal ed, a pl anni ng director's decision i s <br />effective on the eleventh day after notice of the decision i s <br />mai 1 ed. <br />~ 5 } Front yard, ^ f ante and wal 1 waivers . When approv i ng a s i to <br />p1 an, the planning director may permit waivers to the front yard requi re- <br />ments and the wal 1 and fence provisions of this ordinance, provided: <br />~a} The waivers wi 1 ] not be materially injurious to properties <br />or improvements i n the vicinity; <br />~ b} The development wi 11 be at 1 east as attractive as coul d <br />be expected Pram standard requirements; <br />~c} There wi 11 be adequate vision clearance for traf f i c <br />passing on the street and 1 eavi ng the development site; <br />~d} There wi 11 be adequate 1 andscapi ng to make up for <br />screening or setbacks as would otherwise be necessary to comply <br />with section 9.688 criteria; and <br />4rdi Hance - 53 <br />