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4 e } There wi 1 l be adequate prav i s i on for protect i on of <br />the public's health and safety at 1 east equal to what a standard <br />front yard and fence ar wall would provide. <br />t6} Documentation of a roved laps. After site plan approval, <br />the applicant shat 1 prvvi de the city with three copies of the approved plans <br />which shall be marked "Approved" with the date of the action. The condi - <br />ti ons of approval shall be attached to the plans. <br />~ 1 } A raval Ex i rat i on . ~ f a bu i 1 d i ng permit f or a devel opment <br />for which site plan and application approval has been granted i s not obtai n- <br />ed within 18 months of the approval , unless an extension has been requested <br />and granted by the planning director within that time period, the approval <br />i s automatically revoked and a new site plan and appl i cat i an must be sub- <br />mitted and approved prior to issuance of a building permit. <br />~8} Appeal. <br />~a} Within. ten days of the date the planning director's deci- <br />s i on i s mai 1 ed, i t ,may be appealed to the hearings official by the <br />owner, appl icant, a party, an adversely affected person, ar a per- <br />son entitled to notice under subsection ~~} of this section. <br />fib} An appeal shall be on a form prescribed by the city and <br />shall state specifically how the planning director failed to <br />properly evaluate the proposed site plan or make a decision con- <br />sistent with applicable criteria, <br />~c} Unless the applicant and appellant agree to a 1 anger time <br />period, the hearings official shall hold a public evidentiary hear- <br />ing on the appeal within 45 days of its receipt. The hearing <br />notice and procedures shall conform with the requirements for <br />quasi-judicial hearings provided in sections 2.390 to 2.400 of this <br />code. At least ~0 days prior to the hearing, the city shall mail <br />notice thereof to the applicant, appel 1 ant, parties, persons who <br />requested notice of the planning director's decision, and persons <br />entitled to notice under subsection ~ 2} of this section . <br />~d} Within l5 days of the close of the hearing and the <br />record, unless the applicant and appel 1 ant agree to a 1 onger time <br />period, the hearings official shall make a deci s i on and mai 1 a <br />notice thereof to the app1 i cant, appel 1 ant, and persons who have <br />requested nati f i cati an. The hearings official's decision i s f i na1. <br />~9} Modification. <br />~a} By Planning_Director. Applications for modifications <br />shall be submitted by the property owner or applicant. Notice of a <br />proposed modification shall be sent to all persons who requested <br />notice of the site p1 an dec i s i an and persons entitled to notice <br />under subsection ~2} of this section, and shall provide at least <br />ten days for submission of written testimony thereon to the p1an- <br />n i ng director. Modifications, including extension of construction <br />time schedules or comp1 eti on schedules and minor site plan rev i - <br />sions may be approved by the planning director upon a f i ndi ng that <br />the changes: <br />1. Are consistent with the conditions of the original <br />approval, and <br />2. Result i n insignificant changes i n the outward <br />appearance of the development and impact on the surrounding <br />properties, and <br />3. Remain consistent with app1 i cabl a permit criteria. <br />ordinance - 54 <br />