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Section fit. Section 9.140 of the Eugene Code, 1911, i s amended by add- <br />ing a new Subsection ~2} thereto, to provide: <br />9.140 Building Official Decision. <br />~2} Within five days~of the decision, the building official shall <br />mai 1 a not i ce of the decision and of the opportunity to appeal to the appl i - <br />cant, parties, persons who have requested notification, and owners and occu- <br />pants of property 1 ocated within 100 feet of the subject property, Un1 ess <br />appealed, the decision i s effective on the 11th day after notice of the deci - <br />sion is mailed. <br />Section fib. Section 9.142 of the Eugene Code, 1911, i s amended to pro- <br />vide: <br />9.142 A eal. <br />~1} Building official variance decisions and other building offi- <br />c i al decisions relating to his or her interpretation of this code may be <br />appealed to the hearings official within ten days of the date of mai 1 ed <br />notice of the decision or interpretation, on a form provided by the city. <br />An appeal may be taken by the owner, appl icant, a party, an adversely affect- <br />ed person ar a person entitled to notice of the bui 1 di ng official deci s i an . <br />Variance appeals shall state how the building official failed to properly <br />evaluate the proposed variance or make a decision consistent with applicable <br />criteria. <br />~2} Unless the applicant and appellant agree to a longer period, <br />an appeal shall be cans i dered at a publ i c evidentiary hearing within 45 days <br />of its receipt. The hearing notice and procedures shall conform with the re- <br />qui rements for quasi -judicial hearings provided i n sections 2.390 to 2.400 <br />of this code. At least 20 days prior to the hearing, the city shat 1 mai l <br />notice thereof to the applicant, appel 1 ant, persons who requested noti f i ca- <br />tion of the building official's decision, and persons entitled to notice <br />under section 9.138 of this code . <br />~3 } Within 15 days of the close of the hearing and the record, <br />unless the applicant and appellant agree to a l owger peri ad, the hearings <br />official shall render a decision and mail a notice thereof within five days <br />of the decision to the applicant, appellant, and persons who have requested <br />notification. The hearings official's decision is final. <br />Section fig. Subsection ~ 1} of Section 9.101fi of the Eugene Code, 1971, <br />is renumbered ~8}, and a new Subsection ~1} added thereto, to provide: <br />9.101fi Sign Code -Approval of Perm~t._Ap„p„,,,cation. <br />~ 1 } When the decy s~i on an the s~i gn permit app1 i cat i on involves <br />interpretation of the provisions of the Eugene Sign Cade or the exercise of <br />j udgment, a not i ce of the decision and of the opportunity to appeal shall be <br />Ordinance - 59 <br />