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mai 1 ed to the applicant and to owners and occupants of property 1 ocated wi th- <br />in 104 feet of the subject property. <br />~8} A decision granting or denying a sign permit may be appealed <br />to a heari ngs official . The provisions of section 9.742 of this code appl y <br />to such an appeal . The decision of the hearings off i ci a1 i s final . <br />Section 10. Subsection ~d } ~3 } of Section 9.1020 of the Eugene Code, <br />1911, i s amended to provide <br />9.1020 S~_gn Code -General Pro,v~sions. All signs shall comply with the <br />fol 1 owi ng standards: ~~~ ~~ <br />~d} Location standards. <br />~3} Projecting over the public way. Except as specified <br />in sectian~~9.1039 ~Cen~tral Commercial Sign District}, no pri- <br />vately awned sign may project aver any public right-of-way. <br />Section 11. Subsection ~ f } ~ 2 } e of Section 9.1039 of the Eugene Code, <br />1971, is amended to provide: <br />9.1039 Si n Code -Central Commercial Si n District. The central commer- <br />c i al sign district i s hereby created and applied to al 1 property <br />within the central commercial district as set forth below. Signs are res- <br />tri cted i n recognition of the high density usage of these areas, where pedes- <br />tri an traffic i s heavy and vehicular traffic i s commonly 1 i mi ted . <br />~ } ovisions. The fallowing signs are subject to <br />Special r. ~~,,._... ~. <br />special provisions: <br />~2} Awnings, marquees and projecting signs may project <br />over public rights-of-way, and shall not requi re a revocabl e <br />permit under chapter 1 of this code. <br />e. No sign may project from a building at the cor- <br />ner of two streets more than one foot for every five <br />feet of distance from the point where the building wall <br />on which the sign is attached would intersect the curb <br />i f that wal 1 extended to the curb. ~ See figure 16. } <br />Section 12 . Subsection ~ a } of Section 9.1041 of the Eugene Code, 1911, <br />is amended to provide: <br />9.1041 Sign Code, -Highway C,ommerci,al,,,,,S~gn District. The highway commer- <br />ci al sign district i s ~~hereby created ~ and applied to all 1 and as set <br />forth below. Signs in this area are regulated to accommodate the mixed uses <br />of the areas and the presence of major streets with high traffic volumes. <br />~a} Corres ondin zonin districts. The provisions of thi s <br />section apply to that property within the Riverfront Special Devel - <br />Ordinance - fi0 <br />