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request of the city manager, sha11 institute any necessary 1 egal <br />proceedings to enforce the provisions of this chapter. <br />9.1184 Enf arcement by Chief of Pot i ce . The chief of police and his or <br />her authorized representatives shall have the power, upon request <br />of the city manager, to assist i n the enforcement of the pravi si ons of thi s <br />chapter. <br />9.118fi Suits in Equity to Enjvin Violations. 4n direction of the desig- <br />nated city of f i~ci al , the c~ ty attorney may i nsti tute a sui t i n <br />equity i n the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon pursuant to the provisions <br />of ORS 30.315 to enjoin the maintenance of any use, occupation, building, <br />structure or sign ar the carrying on of other conduct or activities i n vi o- <br />lation of any provision of the zoning ordinance, sign code, land division <br />ordinance, or other previsions of this chapter. <br />9.1188 Remedies -Cumulative. It is the intent of this chapter that the <br />remedies provided for in sections 9.1174 to 9.1190 be cumulative <br />and not mutua1l y exclusive . <br />Section 1fi. The City Recorder, at the request of, ar with the concur- <br />rence of the City Attorney, is authorized to administratively correct any <br />reference errors contained herein or i n other pravi sions of the Eugene Code, <br />1971, to the provisions added, amended, or repealed herein . <br />Passed by the City Council this <br />22nd day of April, 1991 <br />City Recor er <br />Approved by the Mayor this <br />2Znd day of April, 1991 <br />,~ <br />,rf ~ :~~ <br />f ~~ ~ <br />fr~ <br />*~ <br />yor <br />ordinance - fi3 <br />