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Section 14. Section 9.1150 of the Eugene Code, 1911, is amended to prv- <br />vide: <br />9,1150 Pur ose. In order to defray the expenses connected with any <br />application under this chapter, the city shall charge and collect <br />the fees set by the city manager pursuant to section 2.02a of this code. <br />Section 15. Sections 9.1114, 9.1116, 9.1118, 9.1180, 9.1182, 9,1184, <br />9.1186, and 9.1188 of the Eugene Code, 1911, are amended to provide: <br />9,1114 Official Action. A11 officials, departments, and employes of the <br />city, vested with authority to issue permits, certificates ar <br />licenses, shall adhere to and require conformance with the requirements of <br />this chapter. <br />9.1176 Inspection and Right of Entry. Whenever they shall have cause to <br />suspect a violation of any provision of the zoning ordinance, sign <br />code, ar land division ordinance, or when necessary to investigate an appli- <br />cati on for or revocation of any zoning, sign, 1 and division, or other 1 and <br />use approval under any of the procedures prescribed i n this chapter, of f i - <br />ci a1 s responsible for enforcement or administration of this chapter, ar <br />their duly authorized representatives, may enter on any site ar into any <br />structure for the purpose of investigation, provided they shall da sa in a <br />reasanabl a manner. Na secured building shal 1 be entered without the consent <br />of the owner or occupant. No owner or occupant or agent thereof, shall, <br />after reasonable native and opportunity to comply, refuse to permit such <br />entry. <br />9,1118 Abatement. Any use or sign which i s established, operated, <br />erected, moved, altered, enlarged, painted, or maintained con- <br />trary to the zoning ordinance or sign code shall be and is hereby declared <br />to be unlawful and a publ i c nuisance, and may be abated as such . <br />9.1180 Building 4ff~c~a~ . It shall be the duty of the designated city <br />off i ci a1 to enforce the provisions of this chapter pertaining to <br />1 and use and signs and to the erection, construction, enlargement, al tes- <br />t i on, repair, moving, removal , conversion, demolition, occupancy, equipment, <br />use, height, area and maintenance of bui 1 di ngs, structures, and signs . The <br />enactment or amendment of this chapter or of any ordinance herein shall not <br />i Huai i date any prior, existing ar future prosecutions for violation of the <br />zoning or sign regulations committed under previous, applicable provisions <br />of this chapter then in effect. <br />9.1182 Legal Proceedings by City Attorney, The city attorney, upon <br />Ordinance • 62 <br />