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for review, analysis, and response by the staff. The consultation and ques- <br />tioning sha11 nat constitute re-opening of the hearing. If the presiding <br />officer concludes, however, that new evidence has been presented during the <br />consultation or questioning, he or she shall , upon designation of the new <br />evidence permit the applicant and parties to respond briefly, present ev i - <br />dence, and raise issues with respect to the designated materi a1. The body <br />shall then continue its deliberation to a subsequent meeting at a speci f i ed <br />time and place, state its findings of fact and conclusions, ar state its <br />decision generally and request that staf f prepare proposed findings of fact <br />and conclusions. The staff may request proposed findings of fact and con- <br />clusions from any party. Except as above provided, no other person may sub- <br />mi t findings of fact and conclusions without request by the body. I f staf f <br />requests proposed findings of fact and cancl us i ons from a party, the hear- <br />ings body, before taking action, shal 1 circulate the proposed decision to <br />the parties for written comment. All actions taken by the body pursuant to <br />this section shall be made a part of the record. <br />2.398 uasi-Judicial Hearin s -Official Notice. <br />~ I } The hearings body may take official notice of the fol 1 owi rag: <br />~a} All facts which are judicially noticeable. <br />fib} All public records of the city, <br />~c} The charter, ordinances, resolutions, rules, <br />regulations, and official 1 y promulgated policies of the city. <br />~ 2 } Matters officially noticed need not be established by <br />evidence and may be considered by the hearings body in the determination <br />of the proposal. <br />2,399 Quasi-Judicial Hear,i,ng,s -Record ,,of Proceedings. <br />~ I } An adequate record of the hear~~~~ng~~ shat 1 be prepared i n accord- <br />ance with section 2, 001 ~ 1 I } of this code, as applicable. To assist i n the <br />preparation of the record, the proceedings may be stenographically or elec- <br />tronically recorded, but the record need not set forth evidence verbatim. <br />~ 2 } Where practicable, the presiding officer shal 1 cause al 1 <br />presented physical and documentary evidence to be received and to be marked <br />to show the identity of the person offering the evidence and to indicate <br />whether i t i s presented on behal f of the proponent or an opponent, If evi - <br />dence is not capable of being incorporated in the record, it shall not be <br />included. All exhibits received into evidence shall be retained by the <br />hearing body for one year, at which time they may be released upon written <br />demand to the person identified thereon as having offered i t unl ess a need <br />for further retention is shown, The presiding officer may in his or her <br />discretion, subject only to a ma jori ty vote of the members of the hearing <br />body participating , refuse any evidence which , i n his or her judgment, i s <br />incompetent or irrelevant. <br />~3} Any member of the public shall have access to the record of <br />the proceedings at reasonable times and places. Members of the public shat 1 <br />be entitled to make copies of the record at their own expense. <br />2.440 uasi-Judicial Hearin s -Amendment and Sus erasion of Rules. Any <br />rule of procedure not required by federal yr state law or the city <br />Ordinance - 8 <br />