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charter may be amended or suspended at any hearing by majority vote of those <br />members of the hearings body present and voting. <br />Section 2 . Section 2.403 of the Eugene Code, 197 ~ , i s amended by add - <br />i ng definitions for "Adversely affected person" and "Party" i n al phabet i - <br />cal order therein, to provide: <br />2.403 Definitions. For purposes of sections 2.402 to 2.414, 9.488 to <br />9.491, and 9. fi08, the following terms and phrases mean: <br />Adversel affected arson. As used in connection with stand- <br />i ng to appeal a quas i -judicial 1 and use decision, "adversel y <br />affected person" means a property owner or occupant within sight <br />or sound of the property which is the subject of the land use deci- <br />sion or a person whose personal use and enjoyment of property owned <br />or occupied by that person will be directly affected by the land <br />use change at issue. "Adverse effect" does not include actual or <br />prospective economic loss from increased business competition <br />allowed by the land use change at issue. <br />Party. As used i n connection with aquasi -judicial or admi n- <br />istrati ve 1 and use hearing or decision or appeal , "party" means <br />the applicant or any person who has timely submitted written or <br />oral comments to the person or body adjudicating a land use appl i- <br />cation, request, or appeal. <br />Section 3. Subparagraphs (b)1., (b)2., (b)7., (c}, and (d) of Section <br />2.401 of the Eugene Code, 1911, are amended to pray i de <br />2.401 Historic landmark Desi nation -Criteria and Procedure. Hi stori c <br />landmarks shall be designated i n the fol 1 owi ng manner; <br />fib} Notice ubl is hearin and decision. <br />1. Within 60 days of initiation by the city or the re- <br />cei pt of a compl ate application, unless the owner of the prop- <br />erty agrees to a longer time period, the board shall conduct <br />a public hearing to consider the proposed hi stari c 1 andmark <br />designation. The notice of the hearing and procedures for the <br />conduct of the hearing shall conform with the requirements for <br />quasi-judicial hearings provided in sections 2.390 to 2.400 of <br />this code. At least 20 days prior to the hearing, the city <br />shall mai l a wri tten notice of the hearing and nature of the <br />application to the owner and occupants of the proposed h i stor- <br />i c 1 andmark, the applicant, and to owners and occupants of <br />property located within 300 feet of the perimeter of the pro- <br />posed 1 andmark. At 1 east ten days prior to the hearing, an <br />Ordinance - 9 <br />