City of Euge~~ _
<br />Jt31~- Z7 r 19$9
<br />P~lQ~ 2
<br />~hi~ purck~~~e Agree~z~~ttt, to ~,d~apt ~h$ R~+s~~ution and to
<br />~u~ha~3a~, ~.~au~l sa~~l ar,d d~~,iv~~ the C+~rti~icat~~ ~Q the
<br />Purohaeart
<br />t~~ ~'o th+~ rir~st of the sell~rx ~ ~ knc~wZ~dgr, this l~archa~+~
<br />Aq~~~mer~~ and ~~~ C~x~~~3,ca~~^ do nab ~»d w3i~. Mc~ a+~nflie~t
<br />w3ti~, co~,~~itu~.• o~ cr~at~ a bx~~-ah ar d~;~~uit und~s any
<br />app~.3c~bx~ a~ti~ti~~ lsw, ~egu7.~-tlan, or+~~r o~ agreement t~
<br />wh~,~h 5 11 or ~. ^ ruby gat t
<br />(c) Tc~ ~h~ bead of sal.t~ar~s knowZadg+~, nt~ gaversamonta~ ap~r~~ra~.s
<br />or au~hori~e~tiot~~ ath~r ~~~~ th+~ Rssol.utian are ~~a~,~~ary
<br />iri ~~nx~e~tia~ w~,~th ~h~ au~hori~at~,~,n, ~xeautivn, sa].~ ~t~d
<br />r~el~.vex~r o~ t2~e~ ~erti~ica~e~ to ~h~ Pt~roht~~er which have nr~~
<br />b~srt cab~aSri~ad, ~r wi~.1 ~~at bo obtained pr~4r ~+~ ~~osings
<br />~d~ Ta the b~~t Q~ ~h+~ 8a31~er'~ knawled+~a-, ~-fter due re~i~r~~
<br />the Px~liminary o~~i~ial St~~~tn~n~ wi~k~ oorr~at~on~, ~,f m~Y,
<br />~~~~ac~ by ~h~ Si~~,l~r and ids caur~~~l, ~~ ~+~ its ~a~t~ (exc~~rt
<br />~• to m~~tera~ ~orr~rc~~d f.n ~h~ ~'in~~. C~tt3~a.a1 ~tat+~men~) end
<br />s• oP ~~i~ G~,o~ing, ~ha13 be nacura~s at~d cam~lrt~ iM alb
<br />m~t~~ia~. r~sp,~ota end ~ha~~, not om~.~ e~ny ms~~~r~ tM~-
<br />t~mi~~~an ~~ which make ~.he Pral#.mirtary c~aC~~.aa,al ~~at~ment
<br />m~t~x~~lly in~e~u~rate.
<br />s . fihe P~~oha~~r eh~1.l h~tu+~ the right ~a ~~t~eo~l i.~,~ c nitzn~nt to
<br />pua~c~h~se ~h~ Cexti.~ica~~~ k~~r ~p~~,~yi~g ~,h~- Se~~~x A~ it,s a,~ocstx.o~
<br />to dG ~0 3~' ~t~'~~+x the ~xe~cutiQn t~f this l~urchzt~o Xgteemen~ end
<br />~rriar to ~n• Cio~~i~g ~h~~r~ aaouro t
<br />(~~ A d+~cia~~,ori by a cc~ux~ a~ the united 9~a~t~~ ar ~h~ vnit~d
<br />St~tt~~ ~~x Coaxt $h~-~~. #as r~nd+~red o~ ~ rulin+~, or a
<br />reg~l~~fQn (~in~tlr ~~mpa~r~ry, ~x p~~c~po~ed~, by or r~M k+~hal~'
<br />~f ~~~ T~'ie~u~y dept~;x~m~~t ~-~ the Un~t~d Sta~~~, the
<br />It~t~rrt~I R~v~n~~ ~~rv#,Q~ o~ oth~~r gdve~r~m~ntal agenQy shall
<br />k~+~ i~s~~d o~ ~~; the a~rr o~ ~,~,y ruck ~~qul~tir~n, gublish~d
<br />ia~ ~~-e ~'~d~r~l R~g3,~s~~r, o~ ~Ys~-ZI have bier
<br />in~rodu~a~d in, ~~aa~~,d by car lava~rab~.~r r~p~rtecl by any
<br />• to ether th• HaU,~,e of R~p~r~a,~e~~~~tiv~~ sir the
<br />~en4~+~ of the ~~iited ~tmtes, w~,'~h res~e~t to F~dexal
<br />~~~ca~~,or~ upon ~,nt~~~~~ r~a~iv+-d art o~1ig~~f c~rz~ of the typo
<br />~~d ~~~~ac~+~~` ~~ +~~iY ca! the C~~tif3.cates w~iah, in the
<br />~~a.sor~sble ~udganen~ o~ ~~~ p~rch~tsq~, mat~ria~.]~y a~c9versely
<br />af~e~t~ t~i~ o~ the C~erti~~~at~~ ar their sale
<br />ley ~k~~r .~urcl~~~er ~t the con~emplat~d ~ublio ~~~~ring p:ric~~:
<br />or
<br />ll~} Thy cJn~tAd ~~a~,~s ~hA,~l have boaome eM~~q~od in ho~t3,2ities
<br />which k~4rra~ re~w,~te~[ ~.ri a d~ai~r~~ion ~~ war or n~tianal
<br />em~~g~r,~y, air a~he~~ natic~r~~~ yr ~n~azr,atis~r~n1 ca.lam.ity or
<br />