<br />~XH~~IT A
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<br />M~, Warr+~r~ ~i . wong
<br />~'~nana~ Di~~ctor
<br />Astor ~~,i].~ing. Fin~na~ D~pax~~-~n~
<br />8f0 W1trt P~;xk, euit~ .300
<br />~ugen~, or~gon 9741
<br />~~: ~~~y ~~ 7~ugen~ta ~~~t3~~ia,~t~~ o! ~~r~t~ip~t~~m,
<br />8~~`f M^ Z~89 ~ ~6, ~~0, 0l~Q
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<br />~sr~tt~,~-Ncar~hw~~s~ !~$vuri~ie~ C~trpa~At~.vn at~d ~h~~r~ari Lehman
<br />Hutti~n (thy ~`~'ur~ha~~~~'~ Qg~~ge tv pur~has~ from t~~ ~~,ty a~ ~ug~~,.~
<br />~"~e~,le~~~) a~l,~ ~h~ ~bc~ve-d~scr~,bead' ~~rt3.P~.~~~~~a (the '~C~~tiT
<br />fi~~tes' ~ ~ . This offer i9 m~r3~ in ax~~~~s ~~~9.ama~ t~pvs~ fih~ ~ermaa ~nci
<br />ccand~tx~~ns cvn~a~,nad h~r~in, r~n~ ~,n ~xpz~e~~ .r~l~.~ir~a~ ~p~n the ~avenant~F
<br />ra~pr4~Qr~~~~ie~~~ ~rts~ w~-~~~tri~~,q~ of ~Yte ~~ller ~~t forth b~rlow. ~,ppend~.~s
<br />~t w~~~ ~s in~aorpca~~ted ~n~a ~hi~ agr~~m~nt by r~f~x~~~ts~, cr~t~~~r~r~~; ~
<br />b~i~af ~umm~~y ~p~ t~i~ an~~,~3p~~~ad ~mrms o~ the C~rtifica~~~, in~],t~ciing
<br />prin~ipr~l ~tmo~~~~, m+~t~~~~i~,~, ias~ox~st ~°ate~, purchaa~~ ~ric~, a~cc~ fih~
<br />props~~~d date grid ~pla~~~ a~ d~~ iv~ary ar~d ~aynt~-rt~ (th~~s ~ t clo~sityg ~ : y .
<br />0'~~~~ p~r4visiozts o~ this ~r~~~~m~nt are ~s ~oliows:
<br />~• ~+ria~ ~o t~~a C1.s~~,ing, S~ll~~ w~,~,l app~ov~ a ~x~~,~mi~,~,ry Of~i~~,al
<br />~tat~m~ri~, end w~.13 a~iop~k ~t ~asclu~i~n au~h;orizing the ~~t~~,
<br />~~-*u~, rrxn,~~ti~+n anc3 d~li,vory o! the ~~r~ifia~t~e (~he~ "R~~s~~-
<br />lut3on~~~ ~,n ~ub~t~n~ially the ~o~m a~~~eh~d ~p ~hi~ ~g~~~me~i~~
<br />T~~ i~ur~h~,~~r i~ ~ut.z~ori~,~d ~y ~all~~: ~o use th~~e documents ar~~
<br />~h~ ~~t~t~rma~~,an ~c~n~~t~.n~d is ~h~-m ~,z~ oalnneG'~ion witk~ the pub~.ic
<br />o~i~er~z~q Q! t~~ Cer~~,,~.~catss. the ~3ol~+ar ~h~ll ais~, authox~~e
<br />end ~~~~u'~* ~ ~'i~t~~. Offic~l~-1 ~~~t~emer~l: in st~~t~ntially the form
<br />off' rho pz~+~3Sm~,~a~y Offi~tl,~1 9t8~~amez~~ with such ~h~z~g~~ as ~-re
<br />r~equixt~d t~ ma-k~ ~e do~um~r~~ ~o~ply w.~.th ~ppli~~b~,e req~f,rempnt~
<br />c~~ I~,W r~ga~d~.ng mffit~~~.~li~~ and disclcsu~a.
<br />2. Se~.~,rr r~pr~~~~,ts, ~t~~~,~~ts ~,ri~t ~4Y+~nants ~o the Fur~ha~~r that.:
<br />('~') ~~ ~a~ '~~ t~~ t~~~ of +~x~cu~,~ng th~~c ~'ctrch~-~~ Agre~m+~rn~ e~~~
<br />wi~,~ havs~ at the ~~.m~ ~t ~~,c~~,~q the du-r and ual~,d ~ow~r ~r;~
<br />auth~ax~,t~ to aar~t~r ~,ntca and p~~Fox~m xts ebiiga~~az~s urad~r
<br />