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ATTACHMENT G <br />January 13, 2009 <br />Joint Elected Officials Meeting <br />City of Springfield <br />City of Eugene <br />Lane County <br />Page 7 of 10 <br /> <br />Road and Santa Clara were finally getting some notability, because when Bethel was incorporated, there <br />was not conversation with those citizens. That needed to be avoided in the future. <br /> <br />Commissioner Fleenor said he was not proposing to destroy the Metro Plan, but rather evolve it to a point <br />where they looked at it layer by layer to see where the Metro Plan ended and the Comprehensive Plans <br />began. He believed that the vast majority of the Metro Plan was the individual Comp Plans that had been <br />incorporated. Every city had to have a Comp Plan. His proposal was to look at what was under the <br />umbrella of the Metro Plan, and determine if there was a way to separate it into the separate Comp Plans, <br />and he felt this could happen. He disagreed that there was no way to get rid of the Metro Plan. He was <br />interested in looking at the Metro Plan only if we could get more efficiency at a lower cost. In the process <br />of their analysis, they needed to make sure efficiencies and costs were considered. <br /> <br />Commissioner Stewart said he would like to know from staff the status of the Metro Plan and what could <br />or could not be done with the plan. He believed that in the current economic times, we needed to work <br />together as partners, with the ability to have good communication and the ability to make decisions. Some <br />of the frustration was not being able to make final decisions in these joint meetings. He would like to be <br />able to make decisions, make a case about the issues and work together as team. They were all equal <br />partners and all dealt with these issues. <br /> <br />Commissioner Handy said he appreciated the comments from Commissioner Stewart. How we worked <br />together was important. A large number of residents in Santa Clara and River Road were impacted by <br />these issues. He asked staff for the relationship of urban and rural reserves and the coterminous of <br />changing the Metro Plan boundaries. <br /> <br />Mr. Howe said the Metro Plan boundary proposal to move the outer Metro Plan boundary to the inner <br />UGB was somewhat separate from the discussion of urban reserves and could be done by this body. There <br />were provisions in the statutes for how the urban reserves were identified. Rural reserves were only in <br />State statutes for the Portland Metro area, not outside that area. That didn’t mean that farmland protection <br />areas couldn’t be developed by the Metro partners and adopted to apply in the same fashion as a rural <br />reserve area. <br /> <br />Commissioner Dwyer said rural reserve concepts were not only for the metropolitan cities. The County <br />didn’t need the cities’ permission and could do it on their own. If they were created unilaterally, there <br />would be benefit as the cities moved towards those areas. He felt a smaller subcommittee was needed (2 <br />Commissioners and 2 Councilors from each city) to figure out the issues and package them. They could <br />then vote as an entity on the whole package. He said he loved this community and wanted to preserve the <br />quality of life for his family and future generations. They needed to think about their strategy as a whole <br />package. <br /> <br />Eugene City Manager Jon Ruiz said he had grown up in Los Angeles and appreciated the interest by this <br />group in trying to do some current and long-range planning of land use. The way Eugene staff could help <br />the most was to know what the policy makers wanted to accomplish so they could work with staff from <br />the other jurisdictions to figure out how those things could be accomplished. They would work at the <br />timing requested by the policy makers. <br /> <br />Lane County Administrator Jeff Spartz said they all served the same constituents whether the Metro Plan <br />was in place or not. They needed a vision on how to work together and that could be the appropriate task <br /> <br />