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ATTACHMENT G <br />January 13, 2009 <br />Joint Elected Officials Meeting <br />City of Springfield <br />City of Eugene <br />Lane County <br />Page 8 of 10 <br /> <br />for a smaller subgroup. At the same time, the problems that had been identified here needed to be solved. <br />They also needed to determine how to represent the people in the unincorporated urban areas. He felt a <br />reduced number of people in two subcommittees could work on long-range and short-range issues. <br /> <br />Springfield City Manager Gino Grimaldi said it would be unfortunate if staff walked away from tonight’s <br />meeting without some direction. There was potential for consensus to move forward on two of the issues <br />identified and he would recommend moving forward on those two issues. The Metro Plan was a large <br />issue and there was interest from the group to discuss it further. The work on the two individual issues <br />could be folded in to work done with the HB3337 work. <br /> <br />Chair Sorenson suggested the LCBC appoint Commissioners Fleenor and Handy to the work group. He <br />asked if Eugene and Springfield could appoint two councilors each. This subcommittee could then meet <br />and determine the issues they would work on and bring that back to the larger group in a reasonable <br />amount of time. <br /> <br />Mayor Piercy asked for clarification of the smaller group and their purpose. She had heard there could be <br />two groups: one to look at the Metro Plan and one to look at the two smaller issues. She said she was <br />supportive of doing that. <br /> <br />Mayor Leiken said he was also supportive and would discuss who to appoint during the next Springfield <br />Agenda Review meeting. He asked staff to contact Bob Cortwright at the DLCD, before considering the <br />Metro Plan discussion, to find out if we would be wasting our time. He appreciated Commissioner <br /> <br />Fleenor’s passion regarding this subject, but felt we first needed to hear from the State. <br /> <br />Mayor Piercy said the first issue was whether or not we could do away with the Metro Plan. Another <br />issue was how it could be changed to make it workable. <br /> <br />Discussion was held regarding whether or not to have one or two groups and the roles of each group. <br /> <br />Chair Sorenson asked if the MPC could address the Metro Plan issue. Yes. <br /> <br />Commissioner Fleenor understood the MPC would tackle the two smaller issues. <br /> <br />Discussion was held regarding the two subcommittees. <br /> <br />Commissioner Fleenor said he would like to see one of the subgroups tackle identifying various layers of <br />the Metro Plan with an emphasis on where the Comp Plan stopped and the Metro Plan started. They also <br />needed to look at what would be the required layers to satisfy the State goals. He thought the Ad Hoc <br />committee should look at that bigger picture. <br /> <br />Commissioner Handy asked for clarification of the two small issues for the subcommittee. <br /> <br />Items # 2 and #4 would be for the smaller committee. <br /> <br />Commissioner Fleenor said he did not want to be on that committee and would defer to another <br />commissioner that might wish to serve. <br /> <br /> <br />