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Ordinance No. 19321
City of Eugene
1980s No. 18550-19659
Ordinance No. 19321
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Last modified
6/10/2010 3:44:09 PM
Creation date
2/11/2009 1:47:22 PM
Council Ordinances
An ordinance concerning business license regulations; amending, repealing and adding sections to the Eugene Code, 1971; and declaring an emergency. (See ordinance for effected Sections)
Approved Date
Brian B. Obie
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Notes. <br />Note 1 - License Fees. License fees are for one year unless <br />otherwise stated. <br />Note 2 - ,detective Agency. In addition to its agency fees, each <br />agency shall pay the $25.Oq~application fee and $25,04 annual license fee <br />fvr each private detective employed by the agency, together with the $25.04 <br />certification fee for each private detective I employe as required in Nate <br />19. <br />Note 3 - Electrical Sales. One license for each place of <br />business is required except no additional license is necessary when a <br />licensee is making a temporary demonstration elsewhere than at his licensed <br />place of business. <br />Note 4 - Gas Installation Contractor. If the contractor has or <br />purchases a city plumbing or heating license, or is licensed as an LPG <br />Installation Contractor by the state, then a Gas Installation Contractors <br />license is $5.00. <br />Note 5 - Gas Fitter, Class A and Gas Fitter, Class Li uefied <br />Petroleum Gas. If the Gas Fitter, Class A or LPG has a plumbers license <br />or a state LPG Fitters license then the Gas Fitters license is $5.00. <br />Note 7 - Outdoor Amusement. <br />~1} A merry-go-round or ferric wheel operated with a circus or a <br />tent show~and for which a charge or fee is made per ride, the license fee <br />shall be at the rate of $10.00 per day. <br />~2} Amerry-go-round, ferric wheel or similar ride charging a <br />cash fee per ride, but not operated in connection or conducted with a <br />circus or tent show shall pay an annual license fee of $50.00 per year and <br />shall be subject to all of the provisions of this chapter. <br />Note 8 - Outdoor 5haws. <br />~1} For circuses transported by railroad cars, $7.50 per day <br />per car, for each day showing; and if transported by truck, an equivalent <br />charge measured by carload capacity; provided that the minimum license fee <br />shall not be less than $200.00 per day. <br />~2} All tent shows, except circuses, shall pay for one <br />attraction $25.44 per day, and $25.00 per day for each added attraction. <br />~3} For any similar show or attraction not mentioned herein, a <br />license fee based upon the foregoing charges shall be computed by the <br />finance officer in a manner as to make a reasonable license charge based <br />upon the foregoing rates. <br />Note 9 -Photo ra hers, <br />(1} An applicant fora photographers license who has been <br />licensed in the practice of photography in this city continuously for a <br />period of one year or longer, shall be issued a permit and license without <br />payment of a license fee or deposit of a bond or sum upon application <br />therefore to the finance officer and presentation by the applicant to the <br />finance officer of the recommendation of the police department. <br />~2} A licensee hereunder shall give notice to the finance officer <br />upon discontinuing business. Dne year thereafter and providing all its <br />business and contracts have been completed and performed, and no claims, <br />judgments or actions are pending or outstanding against the bond or deposit, <br />the bond may be released and returned to the licensee, when the licensee <br />has maintained a studio and permanent place of business continuously in <br />this city for one year from the date the license was granted, and providing <br />there are no claims, judgments, or actions pending and outstanding against <br />the deposit or band, the bond or deposit shall be released to the licensee <br />Ordinance ~- 15 <br />
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