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~3} Licenses for photographers who have not maintained a studio <br />and permanent place of business continuously for one year may be <br />transferred to a different location upon payment of a transfer fee of <br />$5.00. <br />Note IO -Gamblin Applicants must secure both a premises <br />license and game table license. <br />Note 11 - Gamblin , See section 4.315 of this Cade. <br />Note 12 -Gamblin The game table license fee to be paid is <br />the rate of the table applied for plus the accumulated rates of all prior <br />tables. <br />Note 14 - Bond Re uirement for Solicitor Em foyer. A bond is <br />required at $1,000 per employe but not to exceed $10,000 per employer. <br />Note I5 -- Solicitors Em loyer~-Crew License. See section 3.349 <br />of this Code. <br />Note 16 -Arcade. An additional $15.00 fee must be paid for each <br />amusement device or game table other than gambling which is added to and <br />increases the inventory of the arcade as shown on the license application <br />during any license year. <br />Note 17 -Merchant olive a envy. Except for merchant police ITI <br />employees an agency shall pay in addition, the $25.00 application fee and <br />$25.00 annual license fee for each merchant police employed by the agency, <br />together with the $25.00 certificatian fee provided for in Nate 19. An <br />agency shall pay the $3.00 license fee only for each merchant police III <br />employee, and shall further provide that its band and liability insurance <br />provides coverage for merchant police ITI employees. <br />Note 1S - Private Detective I and TI, and Merchant Police I and <br />II. The fees, bond, and liability insurance requirement shall not apply to <br />a licensee employed by a detective agency or a merchant olive a env which <br />p 9 y <br />has paid the required fees and furnished the required bond and insurance <br />applicable to .the licensee. <br />Note 19 - Private Detective I and Merchant Police T. An <br />additional annual fee of $25.00 shall be required for certification <br />pursuant to section 3.1952} fora Private Detective I and section 3.316 <br />fora Merchant Police I. <br />Nate 20 - Limousine Driver. The limousine driver application and <br />1 i cen se fee shat 1 be waived i f the individual i s 1 i censed as a taxi cab driver <br />by the city . <br />Note 21. The commercial solicitor's license may be issued with <br />conditions necessary to prohibit the vendor from blocking ar interfering <br />with the flow of vehicular and pedestrian traffic, from interfering with <br />the tranquility of residential areas, or such other conditions necessary <br />for the protection of the health, safety and welfare of the residents of <br />the city. The city manager is authorized to issue regulations regarding <br />the standards and process for issuance, renewal and revocation of a <br />commercial solicitor's license. <br />Business License Procedures <br />3.011 Business Licenses ~- Procedures Generally. The procedures and re~- <br />quirements of sections 3.012 to 3.075 of this code apply to all <br />persons licensed or regulated under this chapter, unless otherwise provided. <br />Ordinance - 16 <br />