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taking orders for the sale of fruits, vegetables, berries, <br />butter, eggs, milk, poultry, meats, or farm products raised or <br />produced by him or her; a carrier of newspapers of general <br />circulation; and charitable solicitors as defined and regulated <br />in sections 3.555 to 3.650 are specifically declared not to be a <br />solicitor, commercial, and are exempt from the licensing <br />requirements fora solicitor, commercial of this Code, <br />Solici,tor_,employer. A person who employs one or more <br />commercial sol i~c~ tors. <br />Theater, Theatrical show house, motion picture show house, <br />drive-in theater, room or exhibition hall giving or holding an <br />exhibition, show or amusement for profit. <br />Tow car. A motor vehicle which has been altered ar designed <br />and equipped for the use and the business of towing vehicles by <br />means of a crane, hoist= towbar, towline, or dolly, yr is <br />otherwise used to render assistance to other vehicles. <br />Transient merchant, A person who conducts or participates <br />in the selling or offering for sale of goods, wares or merchandise <br />from a fixed place of business temporarily maintained in the <br />city. <br />Used merchandise dealer. A person or business that devotes <br />all or a part of his, her, or its business to the collection, <br />purchase, exchange or sale of used articles or the lending of <br />money on the security of used articles. A person or business <br />dealing exclusively in automobiles, bicycles, books, furniture, <br />or farm or lawn implements and machinery is excluded from this <br />definition. <br />~ea.ons,,,dealer. A person engaged in the business of selling <br />or offering for sale at retail, pistols, revolvers, derringers, <br />bowie knives or other weapons of like character that can be <br />concealed on the person. <br />3.010 Licenses Required. No person sha11 engage in an activity or <br />operate a device listed below without first obtaining a license <br />therefor as.provided in this chapter. References in this chapter or else <br />where ~n this code to a specific column in the table of licensed businesses <br />shall be construed as follows with respect to the listing hereinafter set <br />forth: <br />Col umn A - Licensed Business <br />Column B - Application Fee <br />Column C - License Fee <br />Col umn E - Bond <br />Column F - Liability Insurance <br />LICENSED BUSINESSES <br />Alarm eq,ui~pment supplier ~ See a1 so sections 3.659 and 3.66} <br />Application fee: $15.00 <br />License fee; $100.00 per year <br />Bond: $5, 000.00 <br />Liability insurance: Yes <br />ordinance - $ <br />