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furnishing or operating an ambulance especially designed, <br />equipped and used for the transportation of invalid persons on a <br />rental basis with driver furnished which has no first aid <br />equipment, flashing red lights or sirens, <br />Invalid or wheel-chair coach. A privately awned motor <br />vehicle for hire that is constructed, equipped, or regularly <br />provided or offered to be provided for the nonemergency <br />transportation of persons in wheel chairs, or requiring such <br />transportation for reasons related to age or a chronic health <br />condition and not requiring an ambulance. <br />==n y_ a 1 i d o r ,, w h e e l- c h a r, c,,w _,,, β€ž~ __ <br />__,,.,., ' _.,.,.,.,,,, oath operator , A pe r so n engaged i n <br />the busi Hess of ~ f urni shi ng or operating an invalid yr wheel -chaff r <br />coach. <br />Limousine. A motor vehicle having a seating capacity of <br />four or more passengers, exclusive of the driver of the vehicle, <br />Qutdaor amusement. Amerry-go-round, ferns wheel or <br />similar device operated out of doors for use by members of the <br />public. <br />Outdoor show. A circus, menagerie, tent show, performance <br />or exhibition conducted out of doors for profit. <br />Photo ra her. A person engaged in the business of taking or <br />reproducing photographic portraits whether from a fixed place of <br />`business or transient. <br />Place of ~ubl.ic accommodation. Any place offering to the <br />public accommodations, advantages, facilities or privileges <br />whether in the nature of goods, services lodgings, amusements or <br />otherwise. However, a place of public accommodation does not <br />include any institution or bonafide club or place of <br />accommodation which is in its nature distinctly private. <br />Private business. Any commercial establishment privately <br />awned and lawfully present in zones as designated by the <br />Comprehensive Zoning Qrdinance of the city. <br />Private club. Any association or group of individuals <br />organized under ORS Chapter ~1 or similar corresponding <br />provisions of any other state law. <br />ecrea ~ona1.,,_,.,~ <br />t' yehi c1 e,...,,~ark. A pri vately owned park far the <br />parking of two or more recreational vehicles, offered for rent or <br />kept far rent to transient guests for periods of less than one <br />month, far charge or fee paid or to be paid for rental or use of <br />facilities or offered free in connection with securing the trade <br />or patronage of such person, or for indirect benefit to the owner <br />in connection with a related business. <br />Sales, special. The offering of property for sale under the <br />title of bankrupt, liquidating, closing out, removal, quitting <br />business or f ire sales or a simi 1 arty designated .title, by a <br />person whether acting for himself ar as agent, factor or employe <br />of another. <br />Sol i ci tors commerc,~β€žal , A person who goes from house to <br />house or place to place, selling yr taking orders or offering to <br />sell or take orders for goods, wares, or merchandise, far present <br />or future delivery, or for the making, manufacturi ng, or <br />repairing of an article or thing for present or future delivery. <br />A person selling to merchants for resale; a person selling ar <br />Ordinance - 7 <br />