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~2} Prior to the time required tv answer an investigative demand, <br />or within ZD days after the demand's service, whichever period is shatter, <br />a petition to extend the return date, or to modify or set aside the demand <br />may be filed in the Municipal Court. <br />~3} Service of any investigative demand under subsections ~~} and <br />~Z} of this section shall be made in accordance with the laws of the State <br />of Oregon governing service of summons in an action, ar as otherwise <br />directed by the municipal court, <br />~4} ~f any persan after being served with an investigative demand <br />under this section fails or refuses to obey the investigative demand, the <br />city may, after native, apply to the Municipal Court and, after hearing, <br />request an order: <br />~a} Granting injunctive relief to restrain the person from <br />engaging in any aspect of the business or activity that involved <br />the alleged violation; <br />fib} Granting such other relief as may be required, until the <br />persan obeys the investigative demand. <br />~5} Any disobedience of any order of the Municipal Court under <br />this section shall be punished as contempt of court. <br />3.83D Uniform Business Practices - injunctive Relief. <br />~~} 4~hen the city attorney has probable cause to believe that a <br />person is engaging in, has engaged in, or is about to engage in any activity <br />i n violation of the uni farm business practices set out i n this chapter, the <br />city attorney may bring suit in the name of the city in the Municipal Court <br />to restrain the person from engaging in the alleged unlawful business <br />practice. <br />~2} Except as provided in subsections (5} and ~~} of this section, <br />before filing a suit under subsection ~1} of this section, the city attorney <br />shal l not? fy the person charged i n writing of the alleged violation and the <br />relief to be sought. Such notice shall be served in the manner set forth in <br />section 3.825 of this chapter for the service of investigative demands. The <br />person charged shall have 1D days to execute and deliver to the city attor- <br />ney an assurance of voluntary compliance. Such assurance shall set forth <br />what actions, if any, the person charged intends to take with respect to the <br />alleged violation. The assurance of voluntary compliance shall not be con- <br />sidered an admission of a violation for any purpose. ~f the city attorney <br />is satisfied with the assurance of voluntary compliance, it may be submit- <br />ted to the Municipal Court for approval and if approved shall be filed with <br />the clerk of the court and the city manager. <br />~3} The city attorney may reject any assurance: <br />~a} Which does not contain a promise to make restitu- <br />tion in specific amounts or through arbitration to persons who <br />suffered any ascertainable loss of money or property as a result <br />of the alleged violation; or <br />fib} Which does not contain any provision, including <br />but not 1 i mi ted to the keeping of records, which the city attorney <br />reasonably believes to be necessary to insure the continued cessa- <br />ti on of the al 1 eged violation . <br />~4} violation of any of the terms of an assurance of voluntary <br />compliance which has been approved and filed with the court shall constitute <br />a contempt of court. <br />Ordinance - ~ <br />