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~5} ~f, within two years prior to the filing of a suit the er- <br />son charged with the violation submitte ~ p <br />d to the city attorney an assurance <br />of voluntary compliance which was accepted by and filed with the Munici al <br />Court, the city attorne need not com p <br />y ply with the provisions of subsection <br />~2} of this section before filing suit. The city attorne shall however <br />serve native on the defers y ' <br />dant ~n accordance with the procedure set forth in <br />section 3.825 of this chapter at least 14 days prior to filing suit. <br />~6} Tf the city attorney alleges that he/she has reason to <br />believe that the delay caused by complying with the provisions of subsection <br />~2} or ~5} of this section would cause immediate harm to the ublic healt <br />safet or welf p h' <br />Y are, the city attorney may immediately institute a suit under <br />subsection ~1} of this section. <br />~7} A temporary restraining order may be granted without rior <br />notice to the erson if the Munici P <br />p pal Court finds there ~s a threat of ~m- <br />med~ate harm to the public health, safety or welfare. The court shall fix <br />a time not to exceed 1O days after which the temporary restrainin order <br />shall expire by its terms unless i g <br />w thin the time fixed, the order, far <br />goad cause shown, ~s extended far a like period or unless the erson res- <br />trained consents that it ma be p <br />y extended for a longer period. <br />3.835 Uniform Business Practices -~ Remedial Power of Court, The munici- <br />pal court may make any additional orders or judgments necessary to <br />restore to any person any money or property of which he/she was deprived b <br />any violation of the uniform business racti y <br />p ces set out in this chapter, yr <br />necessary to insure cessation of unlawful business practices. <br />3.840 Uniform Business Practices - Administrative owers of the Cit <br />Mona er. The cit mono er ma y <br />y g y ad~Nt rules for the ~ffici~nt En- <br />forcement, administration and interpretation of the uniform business rac- <br />tices set out in this cha ter includin p <br />p , g but not l~m~ted to rules regarding <br />the application procedure for certification cards required by this cha ter, <br />The rules shall be ado ted in accordance p <br />P with section 3.Q12 of this chapter. <br />3.842 Uniform Business Practices - Certification Cards; Procedures <br />Generally. Application, issuance, denial, revocation and sus era- <br />sion of certification cards re wired uncle p <br />q r this chapter shall be governed by <br />the procedures and requirements set out in sections 3.412 to 3.05 of this <br />chapter. <br />Commercial 5alicitor <br />3.845 Commercial Solicitor - Re uirements. A commercial solicitor <br />shall: <br />~a~ If under 18 years of age, hold a valid employment certi- <br />ficate issued by the Oregon wage and Hour Commission in accordance <br />with state law; <br />fib} Carry an identification card that contains the commer- <br />cial solicitor`s name, address, telephone number, and photo ra h <br />9 p <br />Ordinance -~ 7 <br />