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and if employed, the business name, address, and telephone number <br />of the solicitor employer and sha11 display the identification <br />card at the request of any person; <br />~c~ Reduce each order for gaols or services to writing, and <br />shall provide one copy of each order to the purchaser, Each order <br />shall state the name and address of the commercial solicitor, the <br />name and address of the solicitor employer, if any, the terms of <br />the order and the amount paid in advance; <br />~d} Upan the request of the purchaser, provide a receipt far <br />payment far goods or services supplied. The receipt shall state <br />the amount paid, the goads or services purchased or provided, the <br />date of purchase, and the name, address and telephone number of <br />the commercial solicitor; <br />~e~ Comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws <br />and regulations. <br />3.847 Commercial Solicitor <br />solicitor employer sh <br />~a} Be strictly <br />committed by an agent <br />~b~ Comply with <br />and regulations. <br />- Res onsibilities of solicitor Em layer. A <br />all <br />liable for any violation of this chapter <br />ar employe; <br />all applicable federal, state and local laws <br />First Aid Lehi cl e <br />3.852 First Aid I~ehicle - Res onsibilities of owner. <br />~1} A first aid vehicle owner shall: <br />~a} Maintain al 1 vehicles according to manufacturer ` s i n- <br />structions; <br />fib} Maintain far a period of three years and make available <br />to the city upon request: <br />~. Records of the supplies and equipment carried in <br />each first aid vehicle; <br />Z. Complete maintenance records for each vehicle; and <br />3. Patient care records including the name and address <br />of the patient, the date and time of transport, she origin <br />and destination of transport, the nature of the injury, ill- <br />ness or disability, and the assistance rendered. <br />~ c} Retai n a physician advisor who i s 1 i tensed to practice <br />medicine by the state of Oregon and make his/her name, address and <br />telephone number available to the city upon request. <br />~d} Equip each first aid vehicle only with supplies and equip- <br />ment that fully comply with state and local law. <br />fie} Equip each first aid vehicle with roller gauze ~Kling~, <br />surgipads, 4x4 inch gauze dressing, anti-bacterial ointment, <br />alcohol preps, ice packs, scissors, and splinter forceps; <br />(f~ Not use or permit to be used a first aid vehicle which: <br />~. Is equipped with rotating beacons, light bars, <br />sirens, or any other type of emergency warning device except <br />standard four-way hazard flashers; <br />ordinance ~- 8 <br />