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D. Partially in response to Goal ~1, Objective 8, page II-B-3 of the <br />Metropolitan Plan identifies the desirability of encouraging the use of <br />underdeveloped and vacant 1 and where services are avai 1 abl e . <br />E. Table 1 of the draft Riverfront Study shows that the entire study area <br />encompasses about 148 acres. <br />F. The draft Study concludes that the western portion of the study area has <br />been part of the City of Eugene since the 1814 ` s and a ful l range of urban <br />services i s avai 1 abl a to the entire study area. <br />G. The draft Riverfront Study, and the proposed amendment to the Metropolitan <br />Plan are consistent with the direction established in the Eugene- <br />Spri ngf i el d Metropolitan Area General Plan, and complies with Goal 11. <br />~oai 1~. Transportation <br />A. Goal 12, Transportation is intended to "encourage a safe, convenient and <br />economic transportation system." <br />B. The Eugene-Springfield Area 2040 Transportation Plan, the Metropolitan <br />Bikeway Plan and the Transportation Chapter of the Metropolitan Plan <br />address area-wide transportation issues and were considered i n the LCDC's <br />decision to acknowledge planning in the metropolitan area as being in <br />compliance with Statewide Goals in 1982. <br />C. T-2000 directs that development and transportation improvements be aimed <br />at avvidi ng Level of Service "E" . <br />D. T-24oo identifies Franklin Boulevard, which provides access to the <br />Riverfront area, as a ma jar metropolitan-area arterial . <br />E. Franklin Boulevard is under the jurisdictional responsibility of the <br />Oregon Department of Transportation ~ODOT~ and transportation <br />improvements affecting the street are controlled by that agency. <br />F. Objective 8, page I I1-F-4 of the Metropolitan P1 an identifies the need to <br />promote land use arrangements which will optimize use of existing and <br />planned transportation facilities. . <br />G. Policies 1~ f } and 6, page III-F-S of the Metropolitan Plan direct that <br />development and redevelopment which is served by the existing or planned <br />.transit system be encouraged and that new development include facilities <br />which will accommodate urban public transit as well as other a1ternatiave <br />transportation modes, e.g., bicycles. <br />H. The South Bank Bike Path described on page 56 i n the Metropolitan Bikeway <br />Master Plan cal 1 s for development of an independent bike path to parallel <br />the river bank between Ferry Street Bridge and I-5. <br />I . Policy 1~g} , page I I I~-Fw5 of the Metropolitan P1 an directs that pedestrian <br />facilities be developed in conjunction with major activity centers or in <br />conjunction with other modes of travel . <br />J. Appendi x C of the draft Ri verfront Study conta~ ns detai 1 ed analysis of the <br />level of development which could be accommodated abased on a theoretical <br />EXHIBIT <br />PAGE ~ OF. / <br />