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<br />ECC <br />UGENE ITY OUNCIL <br />AIS <br />GENDA TEM UMMARY <br /> <br />Work Session: Update on the Implementation of Measure 20-106 (Police Auditor) <br /> <br />Meeting Date: January 18, 2006 Agenda Item Number: B <br />Department: City Manager’s Office Staff Contact: Mary Walston <br /> Contact Telephone Number: 682-5406 <br /> <br /> <br />ISSUE STATEMENT <br />This is a work session on the status of the implementation of Measure 20-106 - the development <br />and hiring of an auditor and citizen review board to oversee and investigate complaints against <br />members of the Eugene Police Department. <br /> <br /> <br />BACKGROUND <br />On November 8, 2005, the voters of Eugene approved a charter amendment to allow the City <br />Council to hire an external auditor and appoint a citizen review board. The measure added new <br />language to the charter as follows: <br /> <br />Section 15-A. External Review of Police <br /> <br />(1) The city council is authorized to hire, supervise and specify the salary of an <br />independent police auditor to oversee investigations of complaints involving police employees. <br />Notwithstanding section 16 of this charter, the city council may authorize the auditor to: (a) <br />receive, classify and route complaints about sworn police officers and civilian police employees; <br />(b) contract with persons or entities to perform outside investigations of such complaints; (c) <br />monitor the city's internal investigations, including but not limited to access to all evidence <br />developed as part of the investigation and participation in investigative interviews related to <br />such complaints, and require the city to undertake additional investigation; (d) make <br />recommendations to the city manager or designee following the investigation; (e) prepare <br />reports on complaint trends and police practices in general; and (f) act as a liaison to and <br />provide staff support for the civilian review board. <br /> <br />(2) The city council is authorized to appoint a civilian review board of not more than <br />seven members to review investigations of complaints involving sworn police officers. <br />Notwithstanding section 16 of this charter, the city council may authorize the civilian review <br />board to: (a) review the completed investigation and adjudication of complaints filed against <br />sworn police officers; (b) require that the city re-open an investigation; (c) provide comments on <br />an investigation, including recommendations to the independent police auditor, city manager or <br />designee about the investigation; (d) review trends and statistics of complaints against sworn <br />police officers and civilian employees, and provide reports and recommendations to the city <br /> <br />council; and (e) oversee and evaluate the work of the independent police auditor. <br /> <br /> <br />L:\CMO\2006 Council Agendas\M060118\S060118Ba.DOC <br /> <br />