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Item B: Update on Implementation of Measure 20-106
City of Eugene
Council Agendas 2006
CC Agenda - 01/18/06 WS
Item B: Update on Implementation of Measure 20-106
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1/12/2006 11:53:05 AM
City Council
Agenda Item Summary
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At the City Council meeting on November 14, 2005, following voter approval of the charter <br />amendment, a memorandum from the Police Commission was presented to the City Council. This <br />memorandum (see Attachment A) proposed a short-term and longer-term role for the Police <br />Commission. <br /> <br />After a discussion of the proposals contained in the memorandum, the City Council, by a vote of <br />6:1, approved a motion to allow the Police Commission to: <br /> <br /> “Conduct research from other communities with police auditors and based on a compilation <br />of that data, present (1) elements to be considered in a job description for the police auditor <br />position that are tailored to the responsibilities as proposed in the Police Commission’s <br />proposal; and (2) a recommendation for a set of characteristics and qualifications to be <br />considered for the police auditor position. Additionally, to (1) assist with the development of <br />enabling ordinance language necessary to establish the oversight system; (2) work with city staff <br />to craft new policies and modify existing policies to ensure consistent operating practices for the <br />oversight system and to reflect changes in the internal affairs process; (3) develop <br />recommendations regarding the role and organizational structure of the Police Commission with <br />regard to the new oversight components; and (4) provide input to council on the disposition of <br />other outstanding issues.” <br /> <br />A subcommittee of the Police Commission was formed to address the short-term charge with <br />regard to the auditor job description and candidate profile.. The committee submitted its <br />recommendation to the Police Commission for review and approval at the January 12, 2006, <br />Police Commission meeting which is after the press date of this agenda packet. If the Police <br />Commission makes a final recommendation on the short-term tasks assigned to it on January 12, <br />those recommendations will be provided via special courier on Friday, January 13. <br /> <br />In addition to the efforts of the Police Commission, work is in progress to secure budgetary <br />authority in Fiscal Year 2007 to hire the police auditor. The FY07 budget is to include one-time <br />start-up expenses for the auditor and citizen review board, as well as expenses for FY07 <br />operations. The Facilities Division is researching options for office space for the auditor and staff <br />and Human Resource and Risk Services is available to assist the council as necessary with the <br />recruitment process. <br /> <br />A number of short-term and long-term decisions remain in order have the oversight model in <br />place and fully functioning. The short-term issues to be addressed by the City Council are: <br />1) Affirmation by the City Council that an auditor is to be hired and citizen review board is to <br /> be appointed as per the July 25, 2005 Police Commission report to the City Council; <br />2) Creation of a timeline and plan for the recruitment and selection of the auditor; <br />3) Agreement on a job description and candidate profile for the auditor; <br />4) Process for screening and reviewing auditor candidates; <br />5) Role of the Police Commission in the above noted recruitment and selection processes; and <br />6) Development of policies and/or ordinances related to the auditor and citizen review board itself. <br /> <br />Longer-term decisions include: <br />1) Hiring and supervision of staff to support the auditor; <br />2) Process and procedures for recruitment, selection and appointment of citizen review board <br />members; <br />L:\CMO\2006 Council Agendas\M060118\S060118Ba.DOC <br /> <br />
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