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<br />lvkasureNo. <br /> <br />Sedion 15.A is ad,1,;;d to the Eugene C11a.m.Tof200210 provide as foJjO\v~;. <br /> <br />Section 15../\. External Revie\v of Poiice <br /> <br />(1 l The city council is authorized to hire, supervise and spedfy the salary of an <br />police auditor to overSt;C investigations of co.rnplaints police employees. <br />Notwithstanding section 16 of this charier, the city conncil may authorize the auditor to; (a) <br />receive, classifY and route cOlnplaints about sv/urn police officers and civibul police employees; <br />(h) contractwilh person~~ or entities to pcrfonn outside investig~,tion5 of such complaints; icy <br />lnoni!.Or i.he irllernrd investigations., including bm not limited to access to all evidence <br />developed as part of investigation and participation investigative iBkrvicv>!~> rdated to <,uch <br />con1.piaiIM, and require the city to undertake additional in....,cestigation; (d) make recommendations <br />to the city or folki\ving the inve.stigation; (e) prepa1\' :reports on cornplaint <br />trends and pcdic~; practKcs in gerieral; and (f) act as a liaison to and provide staff support the <br />rt?vle\'i board. <br /> <br /> <br />(2) The city count'd 15 .authorized to appOint a civilian TIW10'},' board of not more than <br />se.ven members to revw\,v im'cstig:;ttions of complaints involving swom police offic,;;n;. <br />16 of thL~ chartcr7 the city cOl.tncd rnay' authoriz.c the cl \'ihan re\,<'ie\.v <br />board to: \a) review the completed investigation and <Kljudication complaints f11ed Hg<'llnSf. <br />S'Norn 'police officers; (h) require that the city x<.; an inYe~,tigaLion; provide comments on <br />an investi,mtiofL lncludirm rcconrmeudations to the independent 1Yolke cil\i nl,ma~~er or <br />t....',' ....' ....... .... <br />about the inve~:tig;ltion; (d) rev!c".; tn:nds and t;tatj;,;ti(;~; of complaints against sworn <br />,K,licc offtcen~ and dvtlian cnmloy.;es, and pro;,'ide reports and n:commendattons to the ciry <br />~(HLnciL and (e} over:sec <md c'v'aJuatc the \vork of the independent police auditor. <br /> <br /> <br />1\ <br />