Planned unit developments ,,,,.,,,. As per PUD
<br />regulations
<br />MUISD uses ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, As per MUISD
<br />regulations
<br />H District ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, As per H District
<br />regulations
<br />Cluster subdivisions in RAIR-1 ..., As per RAIR-l
<br />cluster provi -
<br />sians
<br />Corner duplex lots in RAIR-1 ...,.. See minimum area
<br />requirements
<br />4, I f i t i s consistent with the purpose and intent of
<br />this chapter, the planning director may re] ax lot frontage
<br />requirements when i t i s necessary and suitable i n the fol l ow-
<br />l ng situations
<br />a , I n G0, commercial , and industrial zani ng di s-
<br />tricts,
<br />b, As per duplex division provisions,
<br />c, For parcels separated from streets by reserve
<br />strips.
<br />~c~ Lot Width Minimums
<br />1, Interior alley accesslpanhandle
<br />lots .............................. 50 feet
<br />2, Corner lots ..................,.... 65 feet
<br />3, Exceptions
<br />Duplex divisions ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 45 feet
<br />Small l vt provisions i n
<br />R~~, R-3, R-4 ..................... 30 feet
<br />Lot of record ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Recorded lot
<br />width
<br />Planned unit developments ,,..,.... As per PUD
<br />regulations
<br />MUISD uses ........................ As per MUISD
<br />regulations
<br />H District ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, As per H District
<br />regulations
<br />Cluster subdivisions i n RAIR-l , , , , As per RAIR-l
<br />cluster provi -
<br />sions
<br />4, I f i t i s consistent with the purpose and intent of
<br />this chapter, the planning director may relax lot width re-
<br />qui cements when i t i s necessary and suitable i n G0, commercial ,
<br />and i ndustri a.l zoning districts.
<br />5. Except far lots on the outer radius of cul -de-sacs,
<br />the width between side lot lines where they intersect street
<br />lines shall be at least 80 percent of the overall required l of
<br />width .
<br />6, Lot width shall also be subject to the solar design
<br />standards i n this section,
<br />~d} Lot Depths
<br />1, All lots .......................... Minimum: SO feet
<br />2, Average width up to 60 feet .....,, Maximum: Average
<br />width times 2, 5
<br />3, Average width aver 60 feet ..,,,.., Maximum: Average
<br />width times 3.0
<br />Ordinance - 9
<br />