chapter, the planning director may relax ~ of area requi re-
<br />ments when it is necessary and suitable in the GO, commercial,
<br />and industrial zoning districts,
<br />5. I-1 District, Each contiguous area located wi thi n
<br />an individual area designated "special light industrial" on
<br />the Metropolitan Area General Plan Diagram, or area that would
<br />be contiguous if not separated by streets, roads, easements,
<br />natural features, or the like, shall conform to the following
<br />site requirements, regardless of ownership:
<br />Subsequent to issuance of building permits and inf-
<br />ti ati on of construction of one or two major uses listed
<br />in section 9,443~c} to ~h} when those uses require, or
<br />wf 7 l ultimately require, for their operati on a total of
<br />at least 50 contiguous acres:
<br />0f f ~ ce buildings and complexes :
<br />Minimum; Two acres,
<br />Maximum: Ten percent of the area zoned I-~,
<br />Industrial parks :
<br />Minimum: Ten acres prior to site review
<br />approval; subsequently as per that approval,
<br />Maximum: None,
<br />Other uses listed i n section 9, 443 ~c} to ~ h} :
<br />Minimum: Ten acres,
<br />Maximum: None,
<br />Prior to issuance of building permits and initiation
<br />of construction of one or two major uses listed in section
<br />9, 443 ~ c} ~- ~ h } when those uses require, or will ul ti -
<br />matel y require, for their operati on a total of at least
<br />50 contiguous acres:
<br />Office buf 1 di ngs and complexes :
<br />Minimum: Three acres,
<br />Maximum: Ten percent of the area zoned I-l.
<br />Industrial parks :
<br />Minimum: Ten acres prior to site review
<br />approval ; subsequently as per that approval ,
<br />Maximum: The lesser of 40 acres or 30 percent
<br />of the area zoned I-1,
<br />Other uses listed i n section 9.443 ~ c} to ~ h}
<br />Minimum: Ten acres.
<br />Maximum: None,
<br />~ b} Lot Frontage Minimums,
<br />1, Interior lots ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 50 feet
<br />2, Corner lots ....................... 50 feet
<br />3 , Exception s
<br />Outer radius of a curved street ... 35 feet measured
<br />on the arc
<br />Circular end of a cut -de-sac ...... 35 feet measured
<br />on the arc
<br />Alley access parcels ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 0 ion alleys}
<br />Panhandle to rear parcels ,,,.,,,,. As per panhandle
<br />lot provisions
<br />Small lot proof sf ons i n
<br />R-Z, R-3, R-4 ................... 30 feet
<br />Lot of record ..................... Recorded lot
<br />frontage
<br />Ordinance - 8
<br />