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manufacturer, ~2} bears a state mobile home insignia, ~3} is <br />constructed for movement an public roads and highways, (4} has <br />sleeping, cooking, and plumbing facilities, ~6} is intended <br />for human occupancy, and ~6} is intended far residential use, <br />fib} As used in sections 9.602 to 9.607, a structure that <br />is transportable in one or more sections, built on a permanent <br />chassis, and designed to be used with or without a permanent <br />foundation when connected to required utilities, and does not <br />include recreational vehicles or travel trailers. <br />Mobi 1 e home ark or mobi 1 e home subdi vi si an exi sti n As <br />used in sections 9.602 to 9.607, a parcel for contiguous parcels} <br />of land divided into two ar more mobile home lots for rent or sale <br />for which the construction of facilities for servicing the ]ot on <br />which the mobile home is to be affixed ~inc]uding, at a minimum, <br />the i n stal 1 ati on of uti 1 i ti es, either final site grading or the <br />pouring of concrete pads, and the construction of streets} is com- <br />pleted before September 22, 1986, <br />Mobile home ark or mobile home subdivision ex ansion to <br />exi5t~~, As used in sections 9.602 to 9,607, the preparation of <br />additional sites by the construction of facilities far servicing <br />the Tots on which the mobile homes are to be affixed ~inc1uding the <br />instal 1 ati on of uti 1 i ti es, either final site grading or pouring of <br />concrete pads, ar the construction of streets}. <br />Mobile home ark or mobile home subdivision new. As used in <br />sections 9.602 to 9.607, a parcel for contiguous parcels} of land <br />divided into two or more mobile home lots for rent or sale for <br />which the construction of facilities for servicing the lot ~inc1ud- <br />i ng, at a minimum, the i n stall ati on of uti 1 i ti es, either f i na1 site <br />grading or the pouring of concrete pads, and the construction of <br />streets} is completed on or after September 22, 19$6. <br />New construction. As used in sections 9.602 to 9.607, struc- <br />tures for which the "start of construction" commenced an or after <br />September 22, 1986. <br />Shallow flooding area,. As used in sections 9.602 to 9.607, <br />a designated~~AO or AH~~zone on the Flood Insurance Rate Ma FIRM . <br />p~ } <br />The base flood depths range from one to three feet; a clearly de- <br />fined channel does not exist; the path of flooding is unpredictable <br />and indeterminate; and, velocity flow may be evident. <br />S ecial flood hazard area. As used in sections 9.602 tv <br />9.607, the 1 and i n the f 1 ood pl ai n wi thi n a community subject to <br />a one percent or greater chance of flooding in any given year. <br />Start of construction, As used in sections 9.602 to 9.607, <br />the first placement of permanent construction of a structure bother <br />than a mobile home} on a site such as the pouring of slabs yr foot- <br />ings or any work beyond the stage of excavation. Permanent con- <br />struction does not include land preparation, such as clearing, grad- <br />ing and filling, nor does it include the installation of streets <br />and/or walkways; excavation fora basement, footings, piers or <br />foundations, or the erection of temporary farms; nor the installa- <br />tion on the property of accessory buildings, such as garages or <br />sheds not occupied as dwelling units or not as part of the main <br />structure. Fora structure bother than a mobile home} without a <br />basement ar poured footings, the "start of construction" includes <br />Ordinance - 2 <br />