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Qr~inance - ~4 <br />after all insulation and required vapor barriers are in place <br />but before any lath or gypsum board interior wall covering is <br />applied. <br />EXCEPTION: <br />1. Ceiling and floor insulation visible during final <br />inspection. <br />Z. The building officio] may a11ow the frame insulation, <br />and vapor barrier ~nspectians to be performed simultaneously. <br />~12~ Subsection 305 h ~ Reins ection, is amended by deletin the <br />9 <br />words "Tables Nos. 3~-~ through 3-H" in the fourth paragraph and substitutin <br />the words "resolutions of the c ~; g <br />ounc~l. <br />X13} Section 307 - Connection to Utilities, is hereby amended by <br />amending subsection fib} to provide as follows and by adding subsection ~c <br />. ~ <br />thereto which prav~des: <br />fib} Temp,o_rary Connections. <br />1. {then there is an evident urgent necessity and for ant <br />Y <br />the duration thereof, the building official may authorize the <br />temporary connection of a building, structure or building ser- <br />vice equipment to a source of energy, fuel or power when it <br />may be done without increasing the risk of injury to person or <br />property. <br />2. The building official may authorize the tem orar con- <br />e y <br />nection of a building, structure or building service equipment <br />to a source of energy, f ue1 or power prior to i ssui ng a certi <br />ficate of occupancy upon prior written application. The <br />written application shall: <br />a. Indicate the approximate length of time for <br />which utility service is needed; <br />b. Include a statement that assures compliance. <br />with this code prior to temporary and permanent occupancy <br />of the building ar structure and any other reasonable <br />conditions required by the building official for safety <br />purposes; and <br />c. Be signed by the person responsible far the work <br />requiring the temporary connection and the person in <br />charge of property as defined in section 8.001 of the <br />Eugene Code, 1971. <br />~c} Disconnection. The building official is hereby empowered <br />to disconnect or order the discontinuance of any utility service to <br />any property where the provisions of Chapter $ of the Eugene Code, <br />1971 are being violated in a dangerous or unsafe manner or where <br />work has been performed without a required permit. The building <br />official shall thereupon place a notice an the premises in a manner <br />to reasonably apprise those coming on the property of the disconnec- <br />tion. It shall be unlawful for any person to remove the notice of <br />disconnection. The building official shall authorize reconnection <br />of utility service only when he/she is satisfied the condition <br />which led to the disconnection will be expeditiously corrected ar <br />is corrected. <br />~14~ Subsection 34S a -Use or accu ancy, is amended to read: <br />~a~ Use or occupancy. No person in charge of property shall <br />use ar occupy, or shall cause to be used or occupied, any building <br />or structure, and no change in the existing occupancy classifica- <br />