Ordi.nan~~e... - 15
<br />tian of a building or structure or portion thereof shall be made
<br />by any person in charge of property, until the building officio]
<br />has inspected the building or structure or portion thereof and has
<br />issued a certificate of occupancy therefor as provided herein.
<br />X15} Section 34S - Certificate of Occu ancy, is hereby amended by
<br />adding thereto subsections ~f} Statement_ required, fig} Certification of
<br />tom 1 i once, h Records to _,.be ,._kept, ~ i } Transfer of. ,,,,,.hip, and ~ j }
<br />~ } owners
<br />Removal of notice, to provide: ~~~~ ~~~
<br />~f} Statement re aired. No permit shall be issued, the
<br />application for which does not contain, or is not accompanied by,
<br />a written statement signed by the applicant specifying the use or
<br />occupancy far which the proposed structure or alteration is
<br />designed or intended to be used,
<br />fig} Certi f~,,cat,i on of c,ampl i ante. Upon request of the owner
<br />or other person, the ~~bui l~di ng official shat 1 issue i n writing over
<br />his/her signature, a certificate of occupancy for any building or
<br />parcel of land certifying that a proposed use or occupancy does
<br />or does not conform to app]icable land use regulations.
<br />~h} Records to be ke t. A record of all statements ar certi-
<br />ficates shall be kept on file in the office of the buildin affi-
<br />g
<br />cial. A copy of the statement or certificate shall be issued upon
<br />request.
<br />~i} Transfer of ownershi .
<br />~. Qutstandin~_code yia~,ations. No owner of a building
<br />or premises or person in charge of~rproperty, upon wham any
<br />permit, notice, ar order pursuant to this code has been given
<br />in connection with the property shall sell, transfer, or
<br />grant such property to another until compliance with the pro-
<br />visions of the permit, notice, or order has been secured; or
<br />until the owner or person in charge of property shall have
<br />furnished to the purchaser, transferee, or grantee, prior to
<br />such sale, transfer, or grant, a true copy of the permit,
<br />notice, or order, and at the same time have given adequate
<br />notice to the building official of his/her intent to sell,
<br />transfer, or grant, and supplied the building official with
<br />the name and address of the person to whom the sale, trans-
<br />fer, or grant is proposed. A purchaser, transferee, or
<br />grantee who has been informed of the existence of such a per-
<br />mit, notice, or order shall be bound thereby and shall secure
<br />a certificate of occupancy as provided in section 3~8.
<br />2. Transfer of certificate of occu ancy. The owner of
<br />every new building, structures ar new use .established in an
<br />existing building pursuant to a change of occupancy inspec-
<br />tion and review or structural permit, and for which a certi-
<br />f i cote of occupancy i s required, shal 1 not set 1, transfer,
<br />ar grant such property to another without furnishing and
<br />thereby transferring the certificate of occupancy to the pur-
<br />chaser, transferee, or grantee.
<br />~j} Removal of notice. No person shall remove, deface, or
<br />tamper with any notice or order posted upon a building pursuant
<br />to this code, unless first authorized by the building official,
<br />~ 16} ~- new 5ecti on 30g- aemol i ti on Permit Procedures, i s added to
<br />provide:
<br />