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Ord~i nand , - ll <br />re-routing, tree triming, moving, lifting, relocating, or other- <br />wise protecting publicly-owned utilities, or for protecting, moving, <br />or relocating privately owned vehicles or other private property, <br />Separate charges far such services shall be determined by the <br />affected department or agency and paid by the building mover. <br />fie} Plan filed. Plans and specifications must be filed with <br />the building official as part of a building permit application <br />before a moving permit will be issued. Plans filed shall show the <br />following: <br />1. Reconstruction or alterations necessary to comply <br />with city law and the building official's report specified <br />in section 310~f}. <br />~. A plot plan of the site showing the proposed loca- <br />tion of all buildings and improvements, including driveways, <br />sidewalks, parking areas, and landscaping. <br />3. The additions, alterations, foundations, and other <br />improvements to be constructed or installed at the new site. <br />~f} Issuance or denial of ermits. The building official <br />shall investigate and examine the building proposed to be moved, <br />the streets and public and private property aver, along, or across <br />which the buTld~ng is proposed to be moved, and the new location <br />of the building, for the purpose of determining if the building <br />may be moved with safety and made to comply with all the require- <br />ments of the Eugene Code, 1911, and to determine whether any <br />streets or public or private property will be injured or damaged <br />by the proposed move. <br />If the building and the proposed move meet all the terms, <br />conditions, and restrictions as set forth in Chapter S of the <br />Eugene Cvde, 1971, and in the opinion of the building vfficia1, <br />the moving of the building will do no damage to any streets ar <br />public or private property along the route of the proposed <br />building move, then the building official shall issue the permit. <br />The building official shall refuse to issue a permit if he/she <br />finds: <br />1. That the building is too large to move without <br />endangering persons or property in the city, or would damage <br />property as set forth above. <br />~, That the building is in such a state of deteriora- <br />tion or disrepair, or is otherwise so structurally unsafe, <br />that it cannot be moved without endangering persons or prop- <br />erty. <br />3. That the building is structurally unsafe or unfit <br />for the purpose for which moved, if the new location is in <br />the city. <br />4. That the applicants equipment is unsafe and that <br />persons and property may be endangered by its use, <br />5. That zoning or other ordinances would be violated <br />by the building in its new location. <br />6. That for any other reason persons ar property would <br />be endangered by moving of the building. <br />fig} Use of dollies. A person engaged in the business of mov- <br />ing buildings shall use only dollies with rubber-tired wheels. The <br />weight of the building shall be supported an the dollies so that <br />