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Ordinance - 18 <br />the wheel load will not exceed the pavement design as established <br />by the city engineer, ar properly designed planking shall be used <br />so as not to overload ar damage pavement or underground utilities <br />within the public streets. Planking sha11 be required over all <br />sidewalks and curbs aver which a building is moved. <br />~h} Trees. Any person moving any building or other struc- <br />ture shall move the same without damage to trees in the street or <br />in front of any property, It shall be the duty of any building <br />mover before moving any building to obtain the consent of the <br />parks and recreation department, <br />~i} Buildin s an streets. It shall be unlawful fora ersan <br />P <br />moving a building or structure to leave the same standing on the <br />streets. He/she must keep the same moving with due diligence, and <br />a failure to da so far a period in excess of Z4 hours, Sundays and <br />legal holidays excepted, shall be deemed a nuisance. The city is <br />hereby authorized to dismantle and remove from the street a build- <br />ing left standing in excess of 24 hours. In order to carry out <br />the provisions of this section, the city is hereby authorized and <br />directed to employ such assistance as may be necessary for the <br />removal of such building ar structure without unreasonable delay. <br />The cast and expense of dismantling and removing a building or <br />structure shall be a charge against the person owning the struc- <br />ture. The city shall hold the lumber and other materials of which <br />the building was composed and shall have alien thereon in the <br />amount of the expense and cast of dismantling and removing the <br />same. <br />~} Removal of litter. A person moving a building or struc- <br />ture shall remove all litter, rubbish, or material caused by the <br />moving within a period of two days after the building has been <br />moved. <br />Section 4. Sections S.o1Q and $.015 of the Eugene Code, 1971, are <br />amended and a new Section 8.OZ0 added thereto, to read and provide: <br />8.D1D Structural S ecialty Code. <br />~1} As amended by this section and sections 8.x15 and B.QZO, the <br />Oregon State Structural Specialty Code and Fire and Life Safety Re ulations <br />and its A endix Cha ters as no g <br />PP p ~ w adopted by the State of Oregon department <br />of Commerce pursuant to OR5 455.75D to 456.885} as now enacted are hereb <br />adopted and violation thereof shall ca .y <br />nst~tute an offense against the city. <br />Copies of the code shall be f i 1 ed i n tri pl i cote i n the office of the ci t <br />y <br />recorder. <br />(2} The following parts of the Oregon State Structural S ecialt <br />Code and Fire and Life Safet e p y <br />y R gulations are not enacted: <br />~a} In section 1D3~a} reference to Appendix Chapter 2; <br />(b} Sections l04 to 1Q8 of Chapter 1; <br />~c} Chapters Z and 3; <br />~d} Appendix Chapters 2, 11, 23. <br />~3} then a term listed in Chapter 4 of the structural code is de-~ <br />fined differently in section 8.oD1 of the Eugene Code, 1871, the definition <br />in section 8.001 shall be used unless the context in which the term is used <br />clearly requires use of the Chapter 4 definition. <br />