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Qrdi~nance~~- 19 <br />8.415 Life Safety amendments to the Structural S ecialt Code. <br />The Dregon State Structural Specialty Code and Life Safety Regula- <br />tions are hereby amended as follows: <br />~1} Subsection 2345 d ,Snow Loads, is hereby amended to read: <br />~d~ Snow loads. The minimum snow load in the city for a <br />structure shall be 20 pounds per square foot at any ground eleva- <br />tion less than 844 feet above sea 1eve1 and 25 pounds per square <br />foot far any ground elevation more than 844 feet above sea level. <br />Snow loads full or unbalanced shall be considered in place of <br />other required loads when such snow loads are greater and wi11 re- <br />quire larger members or connections. Potential accumulations of <br />snow at valleys, parapets, roof structures, and offsets of roofs <br />of uneven configurations shall be considered in accordance with <br />commentary ~2} Snow Loads of the National Building Code of <br />Canada, 1970. <br />~2} Cha ter 44, Protection of Pedestrians Durin Construction or <br />Demolition, is hereby amended by adding Section 4414 Permit Re uired, to <br />read; <br />5ection,__44~~ - Permit_,,,Required. ~n addition to rights under <br />any other provi s~ an of Chapter ,.8~_ of the Eugene Code, 1971, any <br />person, on proof of necessity to the building official, and at the <br />time of the issuance of a building permit, may be entitled to a <br />permit for the use of the street, alley, sidewalk, or other public <br />thoroughfare upon a finding by the building official that: <br />~a} The following provisions have been complied with: <br />1. Insurance. No permit shall be issued by the building <br />official until the applicant first obtains and furnishes to <br />the city a copy of, or certificate of, insurance in the sum <br />of not less than $144,044 for personal injury or wrongful <br />death, $50,404 for property damage, and $300,040 on account <br />of one accident or occurrence, which will name and insure the <br />city from any and all liability or damages to persons or <br />property sustained by any person, firm, ar corporation result- <br />ing from the use of the street, alley, sidewalk, or other <br />public way for which a permit is granted. <br />2. Fee. The fee for such permit to cover the cost of <br />issuance of same, inspection and policing, shall be as estab- <br />lished by resolution of the council for all areas of streets, <br />alleys, sidewalks, or other public right-of-way obstructed <br />and used by such person obtaining a permit-~ If a person in <br />charge of property occupies a public way prior to issuance of <br />a permit, the fee for the permit shall be double the fee <br />otherwise established for the area occupied, from the time of <br />occupancy until the permit is issued. <br />3. Duration. A street permit sha11 be issued for a <br />period not exceeding 180 days, at the end of which time the <br />permit may be extended far another period or periods not ex- <br />ceeding 34 days or more if in the judgment of the building <br />official such extension is warranted by existing conditions. <br />Tn any event, the use of the public way by the permit holder <br />shall not be continued longer than is necessary. <br />4. Sus erasion. Such a permit may be suspended or <br />revoked if the holder thereof fails to comply with the condi- <br />