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Tn general, the... commercial node at Blair Street and [East] <br />Vest 8th Avenue. <br />14. Pa~e,.3=10. Amend Policy 2 to correct substantive typographical error as <br />follows: <br />Tn general, the.., commercial node at Blair Street and [East <br />Nest Avenue. <br />11. Pa a 3-11 Policy 2. As presently written, this policy would prohibit <br />expansion of commercial zoning beyond its present boundaries in the <br />vicinity of Nest 11th avenue and Chambers Street to avoid strip <br />commercial i n that area . Amend to al 1 ow for slightly more f 1 exi bi 1 i ty i n <br />the event a proposal might be appropriate in terms of other applicable <br />pol ~ c~ es by change ng the wording of the policy to read: <br />To avoid strip commercial development along West 11th Avenue <br />and Chambers Street, expansion of commercial uses outside of <br />this area shall [note be [considered apprapriate~ discouraged. <br />l2. Foilowin a e 312. Amend Existing Benera1 Land Use map as follows: <br />-Tndicate the Washington Abbey an the southeast corner of 1Dth <br />Avenue and Washington Street as multiple family instead of <br />religious. <br />Tndicate the Applegate Nursing Home on the northwest corner of <br />Madison Street and Broadway as a social i nsti tuti on i nstead of as <br />religious . <br />-Tndicate an expanded area as religious immediately to the west of <br />the Applegate Nursing Home, <br />-Indicate the Vet's Home on the southwest corner of Madison Street <br />and Broadway Avenue as social institution instead of single family. <br />-Change the designation on~the southeast corner of Madison Street <br />and Broadway Avenue to mu1 ti pl e-family from single-family. <br />-Tndicate the book store and salvation army as commercial uses on <br />the northwest corner of 11th Avenue and Lawrence Street, change from <br />religious. <br />-Change the designation an the northeast corner of 11th Avenue and <br />Washington Street f ram commercial to social institution . <br />-Change the designation of the social institution noted on the north <br />side of 12th Avenue east of Madison Street to mul ti pl e-fami ly. <br />13. Pa a 3-15. As the Historic Review Board suggested, add a Land Use <br />Element Housing Finding 15 to read: <br />The ~estside Neighborhood has a high concentration of <br />potentially historic buildings and sites, but a comprehensive <br />cultural resource survey. and inventory has not been conducted <br />in the neighborhood, <br />14. Followin a e 315. Improve readability of the toning Districts map by <br />removing the reference to Site Review. <br />CHAPTER 4 - TRANSPORTATION AND TRAFFIC ELEMENT <br />Exhibit B - 4 <br />