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ORDINANCE N0. 19447 <br />AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING REAL PROPERTY DISPOSAL PROCE- <br />DURES; AMENDING AND RENUMBERING SECTION 2.019 OF THE <br />EUGENE CODE, 1971; ADDING A CAPTION AND SECTIONS 2,860, <br />2.861, 2.862, 2.864, ~~.~. 2.868, 2.810, 2.812, AND <br />2.874 TO THAT CODE; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. <br />THE CITY OF EUGENE DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLO~15: <br />Section 1. Section 2.019 of the Eugene Cade, 1971 is amended and renum- <br />tiered 2.870, and a caption and Sections 2,860, 2.861, 2.862, 2.864, ~,, .~ <br />2.568, 2.870, 2.872, and 2.814 are added to that Code, to read and provide: <br />Real Property Disposal Procedure <br />2.560 Real Pro erty Dis osal - Definitions. In sections 2.861 to 2.874 <br />of this code, except where the context clearly indicates a differ- <br />ent meaning, the following words and phrases mean: <br />City mans er. The city manager of the city of Eugene, or the <br />manager's designee . <br />Develo ment lan. Any written plan adopted by the council <br />which designates real property for disposal in furtherance of city <br />programs or public purposes, Such adopted plans presently include, <br />but are not limited. to, the Mahlon Sweet Airport Master Plan and <br />the Hauling Dispersal Policy Plan and include any other plans <br />adopted in the future. <br />Dis oral/dis ose. The sale, lease, exchange or donation of <br />real property. <br />Lease. A tenancy in real property granting the right of pos- <br />session fora specified term for consideration. "Lease" does not <br />include a permit, license, or franchise to use any city-owned or <br />controlled real property or public way. <br />Real ro erty. Any interest in real property owned by the <br />city of Eugene within or without the geographic 1 i mi is of the city . <br />2.561 Real Pro erty Dis osal - 5co e. Real property owned by the city <br />shall be disposed of as provided in sections 2.860 to 2.874 of this <br />chapter unless another procedure is specified in this code or in a council- <br />approved intergovernmental agreement. Nothing in sections 2.860 to 2.874 of <br />this chapter shall require additional procedures or limit the authority of <br />the city manager to issue any permits or licenses authorized by this code. <br />2.$62 Real Pro erty Dis oral - Subject to Develo ment Plan. <br />. ~1} Except as provided in subsection ~2~, all real property ac- <br />qu~red and held by the city far a purpose specified in a development plan <br />may be disposed of for that purpose by any of the following procedures; <br />ordinance ~ 1 <br />