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Ordinance No. 19447
City of Eugene
1980s No. 18550-19659
Ordinance No. 19447
Entry Properties
Last modified
6/10/2010 3:44:50 PM
Creation date
2/19/2009 1:30:48 PM
Council Ordinances
Concerning real property disposal procedures; amending & renumbering Section 2.019 of the Eugene Code, 1971; adding a caption and Sections 2.860, 2.861, 2.862, 2.864, 2.868, 2.870, 2.872 and 2.874 to that code; and declaring an emergency.
Approved Date
Brian B. Obie
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~a} Pub_1ic,,d.~„s,pasal. After publishing notice of a public <br />sale by auction or written proposal in which the parcels offered <br />are identified and the terms and conditions of sale or the criteria <br />for proposal selection are stated, the city manager may dispose of <br />real property according to the best bid or proposal. The decision <br />of the city manager shall be final, <br />fib} Pri yat_e_ disposal . The city manager may pri vate1y sot i ci t <br />proposals and negotiate with any .person for the disposal of real <br />property, Upon receiving an acceptable proposal, the city manager <br />shall notify the council in writing of his/her intention to accept <br />the proposal. ~fithin ten days after receiving notice the council <br />shall decide to review the proposed transactions. ~f the council <br />does not decide to review the proposed transaction within the ten <br />.days, the city manager may accept the proposal. Upon receiving <br />notice of the proposed transaction the council may waive review <br />of the transaction in which event the city manager may immediately <br />accept the proposal. After its review the council may affirm, <br />modify or reject the .proposed transaction, The decision of the <br />council shall be final. <br />~2} then real property subject to a development plan is determined <br />by the city manager to be suitable far tenant occupancy and that occupancy <br />is consistent with the development plan, the city manager may lease all or <br />any part of it to another fora term not to exceed 24 years at fair market <br />rent. The city manager may require additional lease terms and conditions <br />consistent with the public health, safety and welfare. The decision of the <br />city manager shall be final, <br />2.864 Real Pro arty dis osa1 -Sur 1us Prv arty. <br />~1} The city manager may declare any real property surplus when <br />it is not needed fora public purpose or when it may be put to private use <br />until it is needed fora public purpose. Upon such declaration, the property <br />shall be disposed of as provided in this section. <br />~2} The city manager shall notify the council in writing of the <br />declaration of surplus real property, and the proposed general terms and con- <br />di ti on s for disposition . This notice shat 1 be given not 1 ass than ten days <br />before the property i s offered for disposal . within the ten days after re- <br />ceiving notice the council shall decide to review any part of the city <br />manager's designation. If the council elects to review any of the city <br />manager's designations it may modify the proposed terms and conditions for <br />disposal or rescind any part of the dec1 arati on of surplus property. If the <br />council fails to act within 34 days of the city manager`s notice, or after <br />the council modifies the city manager's proposal, the city manager shall give <br />public notice of the intention to dispose of the property, The native shall <br />be published once a week .for two consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general <br />circulation within the city and shall identify each parcel of real property, <br />the general terms and conditions of disposal, and other relevant information. <br />~3} Except when sold under subsection 2.8644}, after giving the <br />notice required by subsection 2.8642}, the city manager may dispose of sur- <br />plus real property when an offer is received which meets or exceeds the terms <br />and conditions in the published notice. The city manager is not required to <br />accept any offer unless ~s}he finds the offer to be in the best interest of <br />the city. Any offer received .in excess of $100,D00 which the city manager <br />proposes to accept shall be subject to council notice, review and action as <br />provided in paragraph 2.8621}fib} of this chapter. <br />Ordinance - 2 <br />
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