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dehorning of cattle, the docking of horses, sheep or swine, and the <br />castration or neutering of livestock, according to accepted prac- <br />t~ces of veterinary medicine or animal husbandry. <br />Nearin~s official. A person appointed by the city manager to <br />hear and determine mmatters as provided in sections 4.330 to 4.490. <br />Industrial zone. Property zoned as "industrial" by Chapter 9 <br />of this Code. <br />Leash. Any humane device constructed of rope, leather strap, <br />chain or other sturdy material not exceeding eight feet in len th, <br />bein held in the h ~ g <br />g and of a person capable of controlling the an~- <br />ma1 to which it is attached. <br />Livestock. Includes but is not limited to any cattle, shee , <br />horse oat swine fa ~ ~ .p <br />g wl, and any furbear~ng an~ma1 bred and ma~n- <br />tained commercially or otherwise within pens, cages and hutches, <br />Mu A device constructed of strong, raft material or <br />metal that complies with specifications to be adopted by the direc- <br />tor. The muzzle must be made in a manner that wi11 not cause in- <br />jury to the dog or interfere with its vision or respiration, but <br />must prevent it from biting any person or animal. <br />Neutered. The removal of the ovaries and uterus, ovarian <br />hysterectomy, in female dogs. The removal of the male onads in <br />male do s, An oche ~ ~ .g <br />g y r method of neutering a dog which ~s cert~f~ed <br />and performed by a licensed veterinarian. <br />Noncommercial do kennel. An establishment or premises where <br />three or more lags, over six months of age, are ke t or maintained. <br />p <br />No more than two of the dogs sha11 be used for breedin . The term <br />does not include g <br />any animal hospital. <br />Pet or domestic animal. Any animal that is owned or assessed <br />b a arson other th p <br />y p an livestock, <br />Ph s i cal i n jur . I~npai anent of physical condition or substan- <br />tial pain. <br />Police service do . A dog used in police work under the con- <br />trol of a peace officer as defined in ORS I6I.OI5, whether ar not <br />the dog ~s being so used at the time in question. Unless s ecifi- <br />call referred to th ~ ~ p <br />Y ere~n, neither a police service dog ar its <br />handler are subject to any of the restrictions or re ulations con- <br />tained in section g <br />s 4.330 to 4.495 of this chapter. <br />Possess. To have physical possession or otherwise to exercise <br />dominion or control over property. <br />Potentiall don Brous do , A dog that has been found to en- <br />gage in behavior specified in section 4.435. <br />Private ractice of veterinarian medicine. The private rac- <br />tice of veterinarian mad' ~ .p <br />~c~ne has its ordinary meaning, and includes <br />private animal hospitals or clinics under the supervision or control <br />of a veterinarian. The phrase also includes the a ants and em to es <br />of a rivate g p y <br />p animal hospital and clinic when acting in the name of <br />or on behalf of such hospital or clinic. <br />Put to death. The taking of an act or series of actions for <br />the purpose of intentionally causing death. <br />Secure enclosure. A structure in which an animal is confined <br />such that the animal does not have access to humans ar other ani- <br />mals. The structure will not be less than eight feet lon ,four <br />feet wide and five g <br />feet tall. If the floor is not concrete, the <br />Ordinance - 3 <br />