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outside walls must extend inta the ground not less than one foot <br />to prohibit the digging aut of the animal. The tap of the struc- <br />ture must be covered. <br />Seri ous,_„_physi cal,,,,,, injury. Physical injury which creates a sub- <br />stantial risk of death or which causes serious and rotracted dis- <br />fi uremen p <br />g t, protracted impairment of health or protracted loss or <br />~mpa~rment of the function of any bodily organ. <br />Veterinarian. A person licensed by the State of Oregon to <br />practice veterinarian medicine, <br />Watchdog. A dag confined at a business for the exclusive use <br />of protecting people or property of said business. <br />4.335 Animal Abuse. <br />~1} Animal abuse in the second de ree. A person commits the crime <br />of animal abuse ~n the second degree if, except as otherwise authorized b <br />law, the erson intentional) k ~ ~ Y <br />,p y, now~ngly or recklessly causes physical injury <br />to an an ~ ma1. <br />~2} Animal abuse in the first de ree. A person commits the crime <br />of animal abuse ~n the first degree if, except as otherwise authorized b <br />y 1 aw, <br />the person intentionally, knowingly or recklessly; <br />~a} Causes serious physical injury to an animal; or <br />fib} Cruelly causes the death of an animal. <br />~3} Any practice of good animal husbandry is not a violation of <br />this section. <br />4.340 Animal Ne lect. <br />~1} As used in this section, "minimum care" means care sufficient <br />to preserve the health and well-being of an animal and, exce t for emer en- <br />cies or circumstances be and p g <br />y the reasonable control of the owner, includes, <br />but is not limited to, the fallaw~ng requirements: <br />~a} Food of sufficient quantity and quality to allow for nor- <br />mal growth ar maintenance of body weight. <br />fib} Dpen or adequate access to potable water in sufficient <br />quantity to satisfy the animal's needs. Snow or ice is nat an ade- <br />quate water source. <br />~c} ~n the case of pet or damestic animals, access to a barn <br />dog house ar other inclosed structure sufficient to rotect the <br />animal from wind r ' p <br />a7n, snow or sun and which has adequate bedding <br />to protect against cold and dampness. <br />~d} veterinary care deemed necessary by a reasonabl rudent <br />erson to relieve disc y p <br />p ress from ~n~ury, neglect or disease. <br />fie} Pet or domestic animals shall not be confined to an area <br />without adequate space for exercise necessary for the health of the <br />animal or which does not allow. access to a dry place for the animal <br />to rest. The air temperature in a confinement area must be suit- <br />able for the animal involved. Canfinement areas must be ke t rea- <br />sonabl c1 can and free f p <br />y rom excess waste or other contaminants <br />which could affect the animal's health. <br />~~} Animal ne lect in the second de ree. A erson commits the <br />came of an ~ mal ne p <br />glect ~n the second degree if, except as otherwise author- <br />ized by 1 aw, the person intentionally, knowi ng1 y, reckl essl yr with ' <br />y cry m~ nal <br />Ordinance - 4 <br />