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shall advise the owner of the place where the animal is kept, the procedures <br />required for the redemption of the animal, the fees far the impoundment, <br />daily care and redemptian, and the consequences of failure to redeem the <br />an ~ mal . <br />~3} any animal unclaimed within 24 hours of a court order author- <br />izing the redemptian ar release shall be destroyed, adopted or sold. <br />~4} If an order is entered by the municipal judge for an animal to <br />be destroyed, execution of the order may be stayed for up to five years from <br />the date of said order, providing that the dog owner and the director present <br />an agreement for approval to the municipal judge signed by both parties and <br />providing: <br />ta} For restitution to be paid to the person injured, if <br />applicable, ~nclud~ng damages resulting from the injury to or des- <br />truction of livestock, and <br />fib} For safeguards that will help to ensure the chance that <br />the animal does not engage in such conduct again, including, but <br />not limited to, requirements that the owner build a run for the <br />animal before it is released, fence his or her yard or have the <br />animal live elsewhere in a secure setting, and agree not to own <br />any other animal an the property where the owner resides, and <br />~c} That if the animal is found in violation of the safe- <br />guards that have been imposed, that it may be immediately impound- <br />ed by an animal control officer, a peace officer or any other per- <br />son and destroyed by the animal regulation authority without a <br />further hearing, unless the animal owner requests a hearing in <br />writing to the animal regulation authority within 24 hours after <br />the animal owner is notified that the animal is impounded. If the <br />owner cannot be personally notified that the animal has been im- <br />pounded, the animal may be destroyed four days after a notice of <br />impound is mailed to the owner's last known address, unless the own- <br />er requests a hearing before then. The hearing will be limited to <br />a determination as to whether the agreement has been violated. <br />~5} In the event a notice of appeal is filed, the animal shall not <br />be destroyed until the d~spositivn of the appeal, if one is filed in a timel <br />y <br />manner. <br />~6} Notwithstanding the previous subsections, any animal given to <br />the animal regulation authority by the owner for disposition ma be destro ed <br />y y <br />immediately, ar, in the alternative adopted or sold to any person, unless the <br />owner of the animal specifically requested the animal be destroyed, in which <br />case it shall be destroyed. <br />4.390 Im oundment - Redem tian and Sale. <br />~1} Redemption of an impounded animal shall be made by exhibitin <br />satisfactor roof of ownershi ~ ~ g <br />Y p p and by paying the follaw~ng required fees <br />and charges: <br />~a} Impoundment fee; <br />fib} Daily care fee; <br />~c} License and rabies vaccination fees, if required; and <br />~d} Medical care fees, if required. <br />~2} Impounded animals may be sold, adopted or destroyed after the <br />app1 ~ cabl a hot di ng time. <br />~3 } 4~hen an animal i s sold or adopted out by the animal re u1 ati on <br />g <br />Drdinance - 8 <br />