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Ordinance No. 19461
City of Eugene
1980s No. 18550-19659
Ordinance No. 19461
Entry Properties
Last modified
6/10/2010 3:44:55 PM
Creation date
2/24/2009 12:27:54 PM
Council Ordinances
Ordinance concerning animal regulations, amending, renumbering, repealing and adding Sections to the Eugene Code, 1971; and declaring an emergency. (See ordinance for list of effected Sections.)
Approved Date
Brian B. Obie
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authority, the purchaser shall pay any required license and rabies vaccina- <br />tion fees. <br />~4} No impoundment charge shall be made for an animal released <br />after the municipal court's determination that no violation occurred. <br />. ~5} No live animal shall be used, said or given by the animal <br />regulation authority for surgical or medical demonstration or research. <br />~6} Except as otherwise provided, if after 7~ hours an impounded <br />animal cannot be sal d, the animal regulation authority i s authorized and <br />empowered to destroy the animal by any humane method permitted under state <br />law. <br />~7} If an animal is adopted or sold from the animal regulation <br />authority or from any other agency which accepts unwanted or abandoned ani- <br />mals, the owner must have the animal spayed or neutered within six months <br />from the date of sale if the animal is too young to be spayed or neutered <br />immediately. If an animal aver six months old is adopted or sold by an <br />agency which accepts unwanted or abandoned animals, the animal shall be s a - <br />ed or neutered within one mo p y <br />nth after ~t ~s turned over to its new owner. <br />The new owner shall not fail to comply with this subsection. <br />~8} No person who is the owner of an animal shall fail to reclaim <br />~t from the animal regulation authority within the time specified in the <br />notification that the animal is ready to be released. <br />4.395 Licenses, Fees and Exce tions. <br />~1} Do licenses. <br />~a} Every awner of a dog which has a set of permanent canine <br />teeth or has attained the age of six ~5} months, whichever event <br />occurs first, shall immediately obtain a license for the dog. If <br />the dog owner moves into the city and his/her dog does not have a <br />current Lane County dog license, the awner must obtain a license <br />within five days of moving into the city. <br />. fib} Licenses shall be valid for one ~1} year from the date <br />of issuance or until the sale or gift of the dog, whichever first <br />occurs. <br />~c} No license shall be issued until a certificate of vac- <br />c~nat~on for rabies, valid for the license year, is presented to <br />the dog control authority or duly authorized issuer. <br />~d} Dog owners shall renew the dog license before it becomes <br />delinquent for as long as they own the dog. <br />fie} A license tag Issued to a dog awner sha11 be attached <br />securely to a collar or harness on the dog for which it is issued, <br />If a license tag is lost, the owner may obtain a duplicate license <br />tag upon satisfactory proof of loss and payment of the required <br />fee. <br />~2} A dog license fee sha11 be charged in the amount provided <br />below. The fee is due and payable upon the issuance of the license. A er- <br />son who urchases a kennel licen p <br />p se does not have to license the individual <br />dogs as long as they live at the kennel. Also, a person who urchases a <br />p <br />license for a commercial breeding kennel need not also obtain a commercial <br />kennel or noncommercial kennel license, and a person who urchases a commer- <br />c~a1 kennel l~cens p • <br />e need not obtain a nancommerc~al kennel license ~f they <br />choose to operate such a kennel. Fees sha11 be as follows: <br />Ordinance - 9 <br />
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