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DRDINANCE ND. <br />i4N ORD"NANCE LEVYING ASSESSMENTS-FOR <br />PAVING AND SANITARY SEWER ON .ROOSEVELT BOULEVARD FROM BERTELSEN ROAD TO MAPLE STREET. <br />in the City of Eugene, lane County, Oregon. <br />RECITALS ; <br />The City Council of the City of Eugene did by Resolution Na. $~_, adopted ~ MARCH 1 <br />~ 9 84, determ'i ne to ~ . <br />PAVE STREET AND CONSTRUCT SANITARY SEWER ON ROOSEVLLT BOULEVARD FROM BERTELSEN ROAD <br />TO MAPLE STREET. <br />The ~ity Council authorized the execution of a contract for the construction of the local <br />improvements on JULY 11 , 19 $4 ; <br />The estimated cost thereat is ascertained, and the initial amount to be assessed in accordance <br />with applicable provisions of the Eugene Code, 1971 has been determined to be: <br />Item 1. Contract Amount Contract # 84-0 O1 $ $$,&04.10 <br />(including contingency) Contract # ~~ <br />Item 2. Maintenance Retai Wage <br />Item 3. Other Costs (Describe} <br />Item 4. Deferred Assessments (Type} $106, 32~. 92 <br />Item 5. Amount of Remaining Warrants Issued to Complete Contract <br />-Item 6. Estimated amount for Contract # 84-0501 ~ ~ $$,604.10 <br />Item 1. Less - City's Share of Cost for Completed Contract <br />Item $. Plus <br />a. DUE TO WARRANT REDEMPTION FUND <br /> $ $$,644.10 <br />Item 9. Amount to Which City Charges are app]ied <br />Item, lO. Plus -Unpaid Balance of City's Share (See Item 24 Below) <br />Item 11. Less - Liquidated Damages ' <br />Item 12. Lees - Dther Costs (Describe) ASSESSABLE PORTION OF STATE CONTRACT - $$,604.10 <br />Item 13. Plus ~ Overpayment to Contractor by Warrant _~.~ <br />Item 14. ASSESSMENT WDRf~ IN PROCESS - 0.. <br />Item 15. Plus - Overpayment to Contractor in Cash <br />Item 16. Plus - i 5~ City Charge far Engineering 13, 2O~ . 62 <br /> Plus - 5~ Cit,Y Charge for Internal Service 4,430.20 <br /> Plus - tdarrant Interest Charge . <br /> X1'.7 ~ 720 ..$2 . <br /> a. DUE TO WARRANT REDEMPTION FUND ~ 17 ~ 72O • $2. <br />Item ]7. Plus - DUE TO SEWER UTILITY far 1/2¢ SPECIAL SEWER LEVY <br />Item 18. Plus - DUE TO SEWER UTILITY for Lateral Sewer <br /> Equivalent of Trunk Sewer System <br />Item 19. Plus -DUE TO WARRANT REDEMPTION FUND for Engineering <br /> Charges on City's Share of Costs <br />Item 20. Plus -Other Costs (Describe} ASSESSABLE PORTION OF STATE CONTRACT $$,604.10 <br />Item 21. Pl+as - Liquidated Damages <br />Item 22. Less - DUE FROM CONTRACTOR for Overpayment <br />item 23. INITIAL ASSESSMENT RECEIVABLE - TOTAL INITIAL ASSESSMENTS $10 6 2 4. 2. <br /> per Ordinance <br />Item 24. Ci. 's Share of Cost far Com leted Contract: <br />• <br /> Account ~ Contract <br />No. ~ Engr. -. Cast TOTAL <br />~1r~iin Ari~P - 1 ~ ~ P.W.ENGR.ADM D7D 1f 84 <br />