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9.140 Refinement Plan - Pre-a lication Review. <br />~ 1 } Prior to the f i 1 i ng of an application for a ref i nement plan <br />amendment, the planning commission shall determine if the proposed amendment <br />is a major or minor refinement plan amendment. If the proposed amendment is <br />a major amendment, it can only be initiated by the planning commission or <br />city council. Minor amendments may be initiated under section 9.141. <br />~2} A person seeking such a determination shall file a written re- <br />quest with the planning department. Within five days of filing the planning <br />department shall mail notice of the request to affected neighborhood rou s . <br />. g P~ } <br />The notice shall sol~c~t written comments resulting from a neighborhood rou <br />meetin . The re uest wi ~ ~ ~ g • p <br />g q •11 be reviewed and classified by the planning comm~s- <br />s~on within 45 days of its f~l~ng. <br />~3} In determining whether the amendment is a major refinement <br />plan amendment as defined by section 9.1382}fib}, the commission may consider <br />the number of acres affected by the amendment, and the effect of the amendment <br />on the provision of public services and facilities. <br />~4} Written notice of the commission's action shall be mailed to <br />the applicant and the ne~ghbvrhvod groups} the day after the commission takes <br />action on the request. The decision of the commissian is final. Any ap li- <br />cation far a refinement 1 p <br />pan amendment must be submitted within 90 days of <br />the planning commission's decision. <br />9.141 Refinement Plan - A lication Process for Privatel Initiated <br />Amendments. An application for a minor refinement plan amendment <br />shall only be considered when; <br />~a} The commission has classified i t as a mi nar refinement <br />plan amendment no more than 90 days prior to the date the a lica- <br />tion is filed pp <br />,fib} It is submitted with the required fee set in the manner <br />provided by law; and <br />~c} It is accompanied by the consent of a minimum of 15 er- <br />p <br />cent of the owners of property affected by the amendment if a <br />specific geographic diagram change is sought. <br />9.142 Refinement Plan - Cit Initiated Amendments. <br />~1} Major or minor refinement plan amendments may be initiated <br />by an adopted motion of the planning commission or city council at an time. <br />• y <br />~2} Such an ~nit~at~on may be at the request of any member of the <br />commissian or council, the staff, or by any other person. <br />~3} A person may officially request acity-initiated plan amend- <br />ment by consul t~ ng w~ th and filing a wri tten request with the 1 anni n de- <br />artment. The p g <br />p p1 ann~ ng department shall ~ nvest~ gate matters relevant to the <br />request, prepare a report, and submit the report to the planning commission. <br />A copy of the report shall be mai 1 ed or delivered to the person re uesti n <br />the amendment an q g <br />d the affected neighborhood groups} at the same time ~t is <br />delivered to the commission. The planning commission need not hold a ublic <br />heari n on the re uest ~ • • p <br />9 q The comm~ss~on shall decide whether to ~n~t~ate the <br />request based on the guidelines set out in subsection ~4} below. A decision <br />by the commission not to initiate a requested amendment is final. <br />• ~4} The planning commission and council shall consider the followY <br />Ong guidelines ~n determining whether the city should initiate an amendment <br />Ordinance - 2 <br />