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provisions of this code. <br />{d} If a variance request requires re-examination of stand- <br />ards or policies, the building official or designee can refer the <br />matter to the hearings official for a decision. <br />{e} The building official or designee sha11 mail a copy of <br />the decision to the applicant and persons who have requested a <br />copy on the date it is rendered. <br />{f} Unless appealed, a decision is effective on the I1th day <br />after it is rendered. <br />8.505 A eat. <br />{I} Building official or designee decisions and other buildin <br />off~c~a1 or desi nee decisions re ~ ~ ~ g <br />g lat~ng to ~nterpretat~on of this sign code <br />may be appealed to the hearings official within ten days of the decision or <br />~nterpretat~on, on a building division form. An appeal may be taken b the <br />a licant a erson adversel ~ ~ <br />pp ~ p y affected by the dec~s~on, or a party entitled <br />to nat~ce, variance appeals sha11 state how the building or desi nee failed <br />to ra er1 evaluate the ~ ~ g • <br />,p p y proposed variance or make a dec~s~on with app1~cable. <br />criteria. <br />{~} Unless the applicant and appellant agree to a longer eriod <br />an a eat shall be considered ~ ~ .p ' <br />pp at a hearing at which an opportunity ~s given <br />for anal arguments on the appeal within I5 days of its recei t, at least <br />ten da s ri or to ~ • ~ p <br />y p the hearing, the bu~1d~ng off~c~al or designee shall mail <br />notice thereof to the applicant, appellant, and persons who re nested a co <br />of the buildin offici q py <br />g al's or designee's decision. <br />{3} l~ithin ten days of the hearing, unless the applicant and <br />appellant agree to a longer period, the hearings official sha11 render a <br />decision and mail a copy thereof to the applicant, ap ellant and artier who <br />who have re ues ~ ~ ~ ~ p ~ ~ ~ <br />q ted a copy. The hearings official s dec~s~on ~s final. <br />5.806 Ex iration. Unless actual construction or alteration has be un <br />g <br />. within one year, a variance approval terminates. However, riot <br />to ex ~rat~on the a 1~cant p <br />p ~ pp may request and the building official or <br />designee may extend approval far six month periods. The buildin official <br />or desi nee shall ne g <br />• g vet extend approval for more than two years from the <br />first effective approval date. <br />8.801 Com liance with Substitute Plan and Conditions of A rova1. If a <br />variance is granted subject to certain conditions, ar a substitute <br />plan, compliance with the conditions or the substitute plan is re uired. <br />De arture from a rov ~ ~ .q • <br />p pp al conditions or the substitute plan ~s a v~olat~on of <br />this code. <br />8.808 Enforcement - Notice and D ortunit to Com 1 . <br />{I} The building official or designee shall give written notice <br />of any v~olat~on of this code to the owner or lessee of the sign in uestion. <br />The notice shall st ~ q <br />ate the alleged v~olat~on and the relief sought. <br />{2} The sign owner or lessee shall have 10 days to execute and <br />deliver to the building official or designee an assurance of voluntary com- <br />ordinance - ~2 <br />