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Ordinance No. 19563
City of Eugene
1980s No. 18550-19659
Ordinance No. 19563
Entry Properties
Last modified
6/10/2010 3:45:30 PM
Creation date
3/3/2009 12:26:17 PM
Council Ordinances
Ordinance concerning the sign code; amending and repealing Sections of the Eugene Code, 1971; and declaring an emergency. (See ordinance for effected sections)
Approved Date
Freeman Holmer, CC Pres
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pliance. The assurance shall set forth what actions, if any, the sign owner <br />or lessee intends to take with respect to the alleged violation. The assur- <br />ance of voluntary compliance shall not be considered an admission of a viola- <br />tion for any purpose. Tf the building official or designee is satisfied <br />with the assurance of voluntary compliance, it may be submitted to the Muni- <br />cipal Court for approval and i f approved shal 1 be f i 1 ed with the clerk of <br />the court as an order of the court. <br />~3} The building official or designee may reject any assurance: <br />~a} Which does not provide for correction of the violation <br />or removal of the sign in a reasonable time and manner; or <br />fib} Which does not provide for restitution in specific <br />amounts to the city or to any person in cases involving any ascer- <br />tainable loss of money or property as a result of the alleged vio- <br />lation; or <br />~c} Which does not contain any provision, including but not <br />limited to the keeping of records, which the building official <br />reasonably believes to be necessary to insure the continued cessa- <br />ti on of the al 1 eged violation . <br />~4} violation of any of the terms of an assurance of voluntary <br />compliance which has been approved and filed with the court shall constitute <br />a contempt of court. <br />8.809 Enforcement - Fi1in of Com laint; Tem orar Restrainin Order. <br />~1} After the expiration of 10 days from the date of notice iven <br />under section 8.808 of th ~ ~ ~ g <br />~s code, the bu~ld~ng off~c~al or designee may bring <br />suit in the name of the city in the Municipal Court to restrain the violation <br />or to seek a ci vi 1 penalty, or both. <br />~2} Tf the building official or designee alleges that he/she has <br />reason to believe that the delay caused by complying with the notice provi- <br />sions of section 8.808 of this code would cause immediate harm to the ublic <br />health safet or welfare or ~ ~ ~ .p <br />y to property, he/she may ~mmed~ately ~nst~tute a <br />suit under subsection ~7} of this section. <br />. ~3} A temporary restraining order may be granted without prior <br />notice to the sign owner ar lessee if the Municipal Court finds there is a <br />threat of immediate harm to the public health, safety ar welfare ar to ro - <br />ert . The court shall f' p p <br />y ~x a time not to exceed ten days after which the tem- <br />porary restraining order shall expire by its terms, unless within the time <br />fixed, a hearing is held and, for good cause shown, the court extends the <br />restraining order or provides for any other equitable relief. <br />8.8T0 Enforcement - Remedial Power of the Court. The Munici al Court is <br />em owered ~ ~ ~ ~ p <br />p to hear and determine v~olat7ons of this sign code. Tn <br />addition to any other penalty provided by law, the court is em owered to <br />p <br />issue any ~n0unction order ar judgment necessary to restore to any person any <br />money or property of which he/she was deprived by any violation of the sign <br />code, or necessary to insure cessation of the violation. <br />Ordinance - Z3 <br />
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